
EHCache on Coldfusion 9 - can I create multiple caches or disable it?

Hi all. We have been using EHCache with CF8 for a while now with no issues. We are now moving to CF 9 and it seems that the baked-in version of EHCache with CF 9 is actually conflicting with our EHCache setup. So is there: Any way to disable the baked-in version of EHCache? This would be a temporary solution. If we use the CF9 baked...

Configuring the fetch attempt duration when EHCache attempts to connect to a Terracotta server that is down

Hey, if I try to connect to a Terracotta server that is currently down by calling net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager.create();, EHCache keeps retrying connection attempts for a full 300 seconds before throwing an exception with this message: Could not fetch configuration data from the server at 'terracottahost:9510'. Fetch attempt duration: ...

Sharing data between two instances in a load balanced java web application

I want to cache data in a java web application deployed on multiple instances. We are using spring 2.5.6. What is the easiest caching library to configure and use with spring? I have heard of EH Cache, but the configuration is too cumbersome. The requirement is that a spring scheduler will run and set some flags. These flags are accessi...

Basic Hibernate Caching Question

Does Hibernate use cache (second level or otherwise) if all I am doing is batch inserts? No entities are being requested from the database, and no generators are used. Also, would StatelessSession vs Session change the answer? What if I was using a Session with a JDBC batch size of 50? The cache I will be using is Ehcache ...

HIbernate 3.5.1 - can I just drop in EHCache 2.0.1?

I'm using Hibernate 3.5.1, which comes with EHCache 1.5 bundled. If I want to use the latest EHCache release (2.0.1), is it just a matter of removing the ehcache-1.5.jar from my project, and replacing with ehcache-core-2.0.1.jar? Any issues to be aware of? Also - is a cache "region" in the Hibernate mapping file that same as a cache "...

Distributed, persistent cache using EHCache

I currently have a distributed cache using EHCache via RMI that works just fine. I was wondering if you can include persistence with the caches to create a distributed, persistent cache. Alongside this, if the cache was persistent, would it load from the file store, then bootstrap from the cache cluster? Basically, what I want is: Cac...

Deploying multiple Grails instances with shared cache and sessions ?

Hello, I am looking for a solution that allows me to deploy multiple load balanced Grails instances that have shared cache (EhCache Server ?) and sessions, is this possible ? I can't find any documentation on this (connecting to a common EhCache server or using Distributed EhCache, and sharing sessions (using EhCache too ?))... I'm lo...

Is there a way to specify wildcarded region names when using ehcache with hibernate?

When using Ehcache with Hibernate, is there a way to specify region names with wildcards in the ehcache.xml file? For example, to allow for cache settings at the package level (with * as a wildcard indicator) where the given setting is applied to any region that matches the wildcarded name: <cache name="*" ... ...

Controlling when SQL UPDATE is executing on ehcache 'd classes

We are using Hibernate and ehcache as 2nd level cache. If I load an entity that is cached (e.g. cache-usage="read-write") and update it, it seems that this immediately results in an SQL UPDATE. (How) Can I influence when this SQL UPDATE happens? hibSession = HibernateUtil.getReadWriteSession(); tx = hibSession.beginTr...

How to remotely connect to jmx on tomcat using ssh tunnelling and not break ehcache...

I've followed the instructions in the following link to create my own RMI registry and jmx server on a single port inside tomcat. According to the comments, I need to set -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost. Once I do that, I can indeed connect to my server via jconsole using ssh port forwarding.

Setting refresh-policies in Ehcache

Is there any to specify a data refresh policy in Ehcache? I am currently migrating an application from OSCache to Ehcache and I can't seem to find any way to specify when an element needs refreshing, besides setting timeToIdle and timeToLive. What I want is: on accessing an element from the cache, check with it's associated resource to...

write behind cache Ehcache new feature?

Hi, i looking for guide/document/tutorial on how to use this new feature write-behind-cache in ehcache? Is there any demo in spring+jpa+ehcache+hibernate? just to clariyfing, write-behind-cache mean each time we persist entity, it will be written into cache rather than into database correct? ...

Making ehcache read-write for test code and read-only for production code

I would like to annotate many of my Hibernate entities that contain reference data and/or configuration data with @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY) However, my JUnit tests are setting up and tearing down some of this reference/configuration data using the Hibernate entities. Is there a recommended way of having entiti...

Multiple Grails Applications create Ehcache conflicts

I am running multiple Grails Applications on one of my servers. I am using Grails 1.2.2. I am using the default cache configuration in DataSource.groovy. When I try and run two Grails applications, they both seem to be using/writing to: /tmp/ When I look at how to customize Ehcache with an ...

No improvement in speed when using Ehcache with Hibernate

I'm getting no improvement in speed when using Ehcache with Hibernate Here are the results I get when i run the test below. The test is reading 80 Stop objects and then the same 80 Stop objects again using the cache. On the second read it is hitting the cache, but there is no improvement in speed. Any idea's on what I'm doing wrong? ...

Grails / GORM, Disable First-level Cache

Suppose I have the following Domain class mapping to a legacy table, utilizing read-only second-level cache, and having a transient field: class DomainObject { static def transients = ['userId'] Long id Long userId static mapping = { cache usage: 'read-only' table 'SOME_TABLE' } } I have a problem, references to DomainObjec...

Programatic cache creation

I switched from xml to programmatically cache creation and now I can't retrieve my cache by name. Here's a code snippet that shows what I'm doing maybe you can spot an obvious error? (I'm only showing the relevant lines here). ...

NoSQL or Ehcache caching ?

I'm building a Route Planner Webapp using Spring/Hibernate/Tomcat and a mysql database, I have a database containing read only data, such as Bus Stop Coordinates, Bus times which is never updated. I'm trying to make the app run faster, each time the application is run it will preform approx 1000 reads to the database to calculate a rout...

Ehcache hangs in test

I am in the process of rewriting a bottle neck in the code of the project I am on, and in doing so I am creating a top level item that contains a self populating Ehcache. I am attempting to write a test to make sure that the basic call chain is established, but when the test executes it hands when retrieving the item from the cache. Her...

Caching with Spring Framework

Spring Modules had a @Cacheable annotation: org.springmodules.cache.annotations.Cacheable Now that Spring Module is deprecated, what is the recommendation for caching? And is still still possible to work with ehCache? ...