
Elapsed time without considering weekends and bank holidays in Java

I've implemented a stopwatch that works fine without considering that bank holidays and weekends shouldn't be counted in the total duration. I was looking for some open-source library where I could get the elapsed time, passing a start instant, end instant and a set of bank holidays (weekends aren't counted in). The only library that mak...

calculate elapsed time in flash

I am building a quiz and i need to calculate the total time taken to do the quiz. and i need to display the time taken in HH::MM::SS..any pointers? ...

Elapsed time of running a C program

Hi, I would like to know what lines of C code to add to a program so that it tells me the total time that the program takes to run. I guess there should be counter initialization near the beginning of main and one after the main function ends. Is the right header clock.h? Thanks a lot... Update I have a Win Xp machine. Is it just addin...

How to pass parameters to the function called by ElapsedEventHandler?

How to pass parameters to the function called by ElapsedEventHandler? My code: private static void InitTimer(int Index) { keepAlive[Index] = new Timer(); keepAlive[Index].Interval = 3000; keepAlive[Index].Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(keepAlive_Elapsed[, Index]); keepAlive[Index].Start(); } public static void keep...

Measuring elapsed time with the Time module

With the Time module in python is it possible to measure elapsed time? If so, how do I do that? I need to do this so that if the cursor has been in a widget for a certain duration an event happens. ...