
Multiply defined linker error using inlined functions

The linker is reporting multiply defined errors for an inline function. I have the following code in a header file: struct Port_Pin { volatile uint32_t * port_addr_set_value; //!< Writing the pin value here sets the pin to high. volatile uint32_t * port_addr_clr_value; //!< Writing the pin value to this port clear...

Can deploy but not debug .NETCF 3.5 App to Device

I have a software application written for .Net Compact Framework 3.5 in VS2008. I can connect to my device via Activesync and deploy the application without problems. I can launch the app on the device after deployment without a problem. However, if I try to connect and debug the app, I get an unhelpful message that says "A serious erro...

microsoft embedded visual basic

Im making an application for a mobile pocketpc using mircosoft embeddded visual basic 3, i trying the database connection for the application ,is there any examples available thanks. ...

When putting an SD/MMC card into SPI mode, can CS go high in between bytes?

I have a microprocessor with the card's chip select (CS) line tied to a 'frame' signal automatically driven by the SPI (SSP) circuit. This causes CS to go high between each byte. The MMC/SD specs require that CS be held low in order to enter SPI mode. Does it need to be held low the entire time, or only when transmitting each byte of ...

Download control board software simulators

Hello, I am interested in learning how to do embedded system programming in c. However, I will need some hardware. I am wondering is there any software that can simulate what the control board will do? The control board is listed in the following tutorial http://www.learn-c.com/hardware.htm Many thanks for any advice ...

Difference between sem_init and sema_init

What is the difference between sema_init and sem_init ? Are there any specific usage scenarios and other dependencies for the respective APIs ? ...

Basic question regarding ROM based executable

Dear Pundits, I have basic doubt regarding executable stored in ROM. As I know the executable with text and RO attributes is stored in ROM. Question is as ROM is for Read Only Memory, what happens if there is situation where the code needs to write into memory? I am not able to conjure up any example to cite here (probably I am ignor...

What's the best way to organize data on my tiny embedded system?

I haven't done much programming for Embedded Systems before, and now I have to create some scripts for something relatively tiny (<60MB RAM, almost all of which is already used by other more critical processes, the processor is less ~ 500MHz). I can't run something that is on all the time, so Firebird is out. I suggested sqllite, but peo...

Debugging Cortex M3 (ARM) Embedded - How do you tell what ISR is being run from xPSR.ISR?

I am debugging a piece of firmware on an arm-family cpu (Cortex M3). The debugger shows the CPU registers, including one called 'xPSR' which includes a sub-field called 'ISR'. The mode in the CPU registers is 'Mode=Handler", which means that the m3 cpu is in interrupt handler instead of 'thread' mode. This much I know. I see the value...

4-bit ECC algorithm

Can anyone give a reference for a 4-bit ECC algorithm? I need to implement one for an embedded Nand Flash driver. ...

LZW compression/decompression under low memory conditions

Can anybody give pointers how I can implement lzw compression/decompression in low memory conditions (< 2k). is that possible? ...

Which Forth to start porting from?

I'm looking to develop a new Forth system, aimed at making game development easier on one or possibly several retro console platforms. I'm something of a Forth beginner, and need your help deciding which Forth codebase to start porting from. I'm basically looking for the merits / disadvantages of particular Forths vs each other. I've re...

Cool Hardware/Devices that can be programmed in .NET?

I'd love to start writting managed code for external devices and sensors. Are there any devices that come to mind that can be coded against using .NET? Any suggestions? Edit: The main thing I'm trying to do is learn how device programming works. No better way to do that in my opinion than to try to do something fun and cool. ...

Micrium uC-OS/II on Dynamic C/Rabbit - might have task starvation

Hi All, I'm trying to get 2 tasks to run in my Dynamic C under Micrium uC-OS/II. One task is the http handler, the other reads from the serial port. The serial port task seems to inhibit the http task from running. Any ideas why this is? I thought uC-OS/II was preemtive. void httptask(void* ptr) { http_init(); while(1) { http_...

Output debug via printf on a Cortex-M3 CPU, stalls at BKPT instruction + confusion about JTAG and sw ports.

I have a Keil ULINK2 USB emulator box attached to the JTAG connector on my board, which is working fine with the Cortex-M3 CPU onboard (TI/Stellaris/LuminaryMicro LM3S series). It seems that both a JTAG and a SWJ-DP port share the same pins (and thus connector on your board) on these CPUs. One appears not to have ITM (printf) capabilit...

TCP/IP Protocol stack without an OS...

I'm looking for a TCP/IP stack that can be used without an OS. Our customer has an "aversion" to interrupts and doesn't want a real OS on a embedded board we're building. It's desirable to move as much of the functionality to FPGA as possible due to the fact we will be only using a 50 to 100 MHz Arm. And I'm pretty sure GPL licensed s...

Getting into Embedded

I'm trying to familiarize myself with the embedded field, but also have limited resources in terms of time and equipment to buy. What's a good language to wrap my head around embedded, without investing too much time leaning an embedded-specific language? I'm most familiar with PHP, Java, Actionscript, but unfortunately know very litt...

Flash memory data format

I'm looking for a storage library for storing data in flash memory in an embedded system. I'm on the verge of writing a custom one for want of a format with the right mix of features and simplicity. Ideally it would be a format and C/C++ library with something better than storing raw structures, but less complex than a full blown file s...

Implementing SNMP agent on embedded system

I am currently developing an embedded uP based appliance which can be remotely controlled via ethernet from a PC using its own SNMP manager software. I have implemented all the private commands, i.e. using a private community password and under the enterprise tree OID ( So from that point of view the unit is wor...

Disable CE windows animation, programatically?

Here is how to do it with a registry key. * Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE * Create a DWORD named Animate if it does not already exist * Edit the DWORD value named Animate * 0 - Disables Window Animation 1 - Enables Window Animation However, it needs restart of the device. I would like to know if there is anyway to disable it ...