
Win32 scrolling examples

Could anyone point me to (or provide?) some nice, clear examples of how to implement scrolling in Win32? Google brings up a lot of stuff, obviously, but most examples seem either too simple or too complicated for me to be sure that they demonstrate the right way of doing things. I use LispWorks CAPI (cross-platform Common Lisp GUI lib) i...

How to synchronize multiple proccess in c through basic signal handling

Hi, people. For a academic exercise i have to implement a program in c for nix platform which is to synchronize multiple processes through signal handling, using only signal,pause,kill and fork basic functions. I searched google and have not found any clear example: I hope the wisdom of one of you will light my way. Thanks! ...

Reg: Remote Service

Can any one provide sample Remote service example. I want it like two different application. One application should contain service. Another application should use that service. Thanks in adv.... ...

QGraphicsView ensureVisible() and centerOn()

Hi, I am going to do pan/scale stuff on QGraphicsView. So I read the documentation of QGraphicsView and see some utility functions like ensureVisible() and centerOn(). I think I understand what the documentation says but I can' t manage to write a working example. Could you please write/suggest me an example code to understand the issue....

How do I parse xml into "messages" and print them out in scala using stream parsing?

Now that I know how to parse xml in scala as a stream I need help understanding a non-trivial example. I'd like to parse the following xml as a stream and send a message (print to console for this example) whenever I've parsed out a full message. I understand that stream based parsing in scala uses case classes to handle the different ...

Git: Remove specific commit

I was working with a friend on a project, and he edited a bunch of files that shouldn't have been edited. Somehow I merged his work into mine, either when I pulled it, or when I tried to just pick the specific files out that I wanted. I've been looking and playing for a long time, trying to figure out how to remove the commits that conta...

Is there a working example of using WebDAV for querying Exchange server for calendar items?

I have tried to hack together a small test project, but it fails with "400 Bad Request" so I'm pretty sure I have done something very basic wrong, but the examples I've found are all in the form of questions, only showing minor pieces of the puzzle, such as a request XML for public folders or whatnot. Is there a complete example somewhe...

Using Jquery autocomplete - looking for example of overriding the filllist() function

I'm using the JQuery autocomplete plugin. I wish to override the implementation of the filllist() function. Can someone point me to an example of how to do this? ...

Example from: "Javascript - The Good Parts"

What "ugliness" does the following solve? There's something I'm not getting, and I'd appreciate help understanding what it is. For example, by augmenting Function.prototype, we can make a method available to all functions: Function.prototype.method = function (name, func) { this.prototype[name] = func; return this; }; By...

Example Code for Cisco Digital Media Player or TVzilla

I have a Cisco Digital Media Player and I need to create a web page using the DMP (Digital Media Player) Javascript Libraries, the problem is I don't know anything about them. I have lots of documentation, however I am hoping to find some example code already out there. Does anyone know of anything like that? ...

PHP if string contains URL isolate it

In PHP, I need to be able to figure out if a string contains a URL. If there is a URL, I need to isolate it as another separate string. For example: "SESAC showin the Love! http://twitpic.com/1uk7fi" I need to be able to isolate the URL in that string into a new string. At the same time the URL needs to be kept intact in the original ...

Example program with some simple functions in C++

I am new to C++ and I would like to know how can I do a simple program where some functions are available. For example: mypg.exe function1 string1 mypg.exe function1 textfile1 Takes the text from the str/file and shows or prints. And then: mypg.exe function2 string1 mypg.exe function2 textfile1 Uses the text for a different thing...

Need reference to a Working example of Ontology

I got introduced to OWL here and here. And also seen few examples like... http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/pizza/pizza.owl How should I run this example? Are there any tools to run these OWL files? Is there any blog/site to see a working example of Ontology? An example to say..."This is the difference that Ontology makes..." kind of. ...

PHP - How to make php.net's sample code not hang?

The Simple TCP/IP client example will hang if no data is being received. To see what I mean, copy the client code and run it, but remove one of the \r\n's in the GET request to make it invalid, so it looks like this: $in = "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $in .= "Host: www.example.com\r\n"; $in .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; The server won't res...

Hybrid Inheritance Example

Can anyone suggest any real life example of Hybrid inheritance? ...

Do you know of any examples of elegant solutions in dynamically typed languages?

Imagine two languages which (apart from the type information) do have exactly the same syntax, but one is statically typed while the other one uses dynamic typing. Then, for every program written in the statically typed language, one can derive an equivalent dynamically typed program by removing all type information. As this is not necce...

Looking for android Facebook SDK examples...

I've looked all over the internet and can't seem to find what i'm looking for... I'm just trying to find a site with some examples on how to use the OFFICIAL facebook android SDK http://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk To be specific i'd like to see some examples on notification use and simple photo upload. But i'll take anythi...

What are lifted operators?

Hi, I was looking at this article and am struggling to follow the VB.NET example that explains lifted operators. There doesn't seem to be an equivalent C# example or tutorial. I don't have much experience with operator overloading in general, so trying to come to terms with the VB.NET equivalent whilst reading up on nullable types proba...

GridSphere 3.1 Hello World Portlet?

any link where I could find a hello world portlet example for Gridsphere 3.1? ...

Django Login App Tutorial problems

I am having problems running through a tutorial and it seems the problems stem from this: (r'^l/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login'), It seems I have done all correct, but the forms dont show. If I hit Login. I get back to the same page without forms. Did I miss something? Here the code: urls.py: from django.conf.urls.def...