
What is a merge friendly format for entering text tokens

I have an excel list (excel 2003) where user enter translations for tokens. It has 3 columns (key, value, language). It can be something like key: Login.Header, value: "Please login to the website" language: en. This works quite well. I use this file to generate language specific images in a website that uses lots of graphics for texts....

apply conditional formating criteria in entire workbook(not just in a single sheet)

My goal is to eliminate duplicate value not only in sheet1, but to include values of sheet2 and sheet3 for example! So when I type a value which is already existing in sheet1(for example I'm working in sheet2), to activate the condition of duplicating I get this message error when I try to select more than one sheet in any conditional f...

Creating Batch File

I'm trying to create a batch file that will convert an Excel file to a PDF. Is there something wrong with my command line because it doesn't seem to work: Dim i As Double Dim sBatchFile As String ActiveWorkbook.Save sBatchFile = "C:\test.bat" Open sBatchFile For Output As #1 Print #1, "@ECHO OFF" Print #1, "ECHO Converting Excel...

VBA Excel: Too many checkboxes on worksheet, code doesn't work

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on an MS Excel worksheet which contains 1277 checkboxes, spread over 96 rows. In this sheet, there is a column in which the total of the checked checkboxes is placed. The idea is that when a checkbox is ticked, the total sum in this control column is added by one. The code for this works fine, because...

error handling in VBA

i have a sub that looks like this: Sub open_esy(filename, p As String, p1 As Integer) Dim fileLocation As String Dim iFileNum As Integer, findblank Dim letter_temp0 As String, letter0 As String, letter1 As String Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer i = 16 If Dir("\\Tecan3\output\" & filename & "*esy") <> "" Then fileLocation = "\\Tec...

How can I open an Excel file in Python?

How do I open a file that is an excel file for reading in python? I've opened text files ie sometextfile.txt with the reading command. how do i do that for an excel file? ...

Excel: Change cell to certain days.

I have a cell(ScheduleStart) that has the start date of a work schedule. In the A1 cell, I want to put the month name and four working days. (Monday-Thursday) Then in D1, I want the weekend work days. (Friday-Sunday) Example: ScheduleStart: Jul 12 A1: Jul 12,13,14,15,19,20,21,22 D1: Jul 16,17,18,23,24,25 How would I format A1 and D1 ...

How to show the excel file data in a silverlight appliction?

I am new to the Silverlight, I found a video by Tim Heuer here which is a really simple way to do this from a .dbo databasae. My question is is there a simple to read the data in a excel file, and binding to a sliverlight application just like the video show. What I want is to show some information in the excel in a silverlight applica...

Excel workSheet Column names using C# 4.0

Im using ExcelQueryFactory to retrieve the column names of a worksheet using C# 4.0.I'm able to see the list of column names but why do i get an additional set of column names like F12,F100,F20 etc . It happens with any reader i used to read my excel file. ...

alternating row colors/numbers in Excel - VBA

Hey guys, So I am working on a reporting tool in Access. It queries the local tables and creates a Excel document (through VBA) and makes an Excel file. I use the following code to color alternative code and it works beautifully For a = 1 To rs.RecordCount With ExcelSheet .Cells(a + 1, 1) = a .Cells(a ...

Bind a Silverlight Datagrid to Excel XML FIle

Hi, I am trying to pull the data from an Excel File that has been saved as XML and bind it to a Silverlight DataGrid. I am following a tutorial that I found on the web, but I cannot get the desired results. using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Ink; using...

Excel Locked Cell Query

I want to allow the user to increase and decrease the decimal places of a locked cell in excel 2007 without allowing other formatting options. Can anyone tell me how to do this? ...

Cannot render Excel download using SSRS SDK for PHP

I cannot render an excel file for download correctly using SSRS SDK for PHP. I can for a CSV, and I can render one for PDF inline. The contents of produced file is garbage when viewed in EXCEL. Here is my code: $renderAs = new RenderAsEXCEL(); $result = $ssrs_report->Render2($renderAs, PageCountModeEnum::$Estimate, ...

Excel decimal format to C# DateTime

In my C# Data Access Layer...I am retrieving a dataset from Excel ...and there is a decimal excel field which returns date in the format : 20090701. I need this to be converted to C# DateTime. What is the best way to do it? ...

What's the best way to export DataTable to an Excel file?

As far as I know, there're 3 ways to do this: The first way is using COM Interop to create a Excel file, then iterate over all cells to read and write data. The created file appears to be valid (true .XLS file), but it seems that Excel must installed to use this way The second way is writing a file header (CSS style), and then iterate ...

Format Excel while exporting through SSRS

Hi I'm working with SSRS reports. While exporting the results to excel, results are starting from first column it self. But I want to provide some space for that. (i.e. insteated of starting from 1st column can we start it from 3rd or 4th column ? So that we can have some space) Thank you ...

How To Get The Current Year Using Vba

Hi i am trying to get the current Year using vba . Is There is any Pre- Build function is available to find out the Current Year , Thanks In advance ...

making the xml spreadsheet readonly

Hi, I'm trying to create a xls from a xml document (Its actually a xml which is created.. I kinda fool the registry to open it in Excel by naming it as .xls). My question being... How do i make this excel read-only? That is.. is there any tags in xml that can make the spreadsheet readonly? Thanks in advance.... ...

Which property holds the items in the resultant Range of non-contiguous cells ?

I have used the Find_Range function from OzGrid which returns a Range object with the found items. It have used it successfully. I know that looping through each item of the resultant Range allows for updates/modifications to the individual cells. The Count property shows the right value. There is no Value property and the Value2 prope...

Does jqgrid support exporting to excel " out of the box" or do i need to write some server side code?

on this page in the release notes of jqgrid 3.7.2, i see: Fix export url in export to excel method but i dont see any other documention about jqgrid natively supporting export to excel. I have an asp.net mvc site and i have always done this on the server side to generate an excel file. Is this now possible out of the box from jqgrid....