
Firefox 2 freezes when trying cross-browser inline-block trick.

I am trying to design a form that uses the CSS inline-block display value for a table-like arrangement. I know that some browsers including Firefox 2 don't know how to handle it, so I used this method to make it work in all browsers. However, sometimes when I try it in Firefox 2, the browser freezes. My CPU usage gets stuck near 100% and...

Firefox 1.5 and 2 css absolute position bug

I have the following html/css that is causing problems in Firefox 1.5 and 2, but is working correctly in IE6/7/8, Safari, Chrome, Opera and Firefox 1 and 3. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <title>Firefox Bug</title> <style type="text/css"> * { border: 0; paddi...

Wrapping text with css

Hi Guys, I have the following html: <label class="description">Label Text</label><input type="password" /> And the css styles are: fieldset span.formrow label.description { width: 150px; display: -moz-inline-box; display: inline-block; } My problem is that in Firefox 2 if the text goes over the 150px limit, then the l...

Word wrap in Firefox 2.0

Word-wrap is not working in FF 2.0. I know FF above 2.0 supports this word-wrap. But I want to know is there any alternatives do fix this issue for FF2.0. It works fine with all IE versions. .wrapgridtext { word-break : break-all; max-width : 0; word-wrap: break-word; } this class is applied to the "td" in a table where ...

Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 on Mac OS X

Hi, I need both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 on my Mac OS X for testing purposes. Is it possible? ...

Disabling autocomplete in Firefox 2

The ff. works in Firefox 3 but not in Firefox 2. Anyone know why and if there is a work-around? <input name="pin" type="password" autocomplete="off" /> ...

<UL> displaying incorrectly - works fine in all browsers except Firefox 2 (screenshots included)

Hey folks OK, here's a screenshot of what it's SUPPOSED to look like: And here's a screenshot of how it looks in Firefox 2 (on both Mac & PC)... Every other browser gets it right (even IE6?!). The source code is an Unordered List using Sprites with :hover effects. Here is some code for you: The HTML: <div id="votes"> ...

In Firefox 2, usage of overflow:hidden makes other divs overlap current div

Hi, When I use overflow:hidden for div which is positioned absolute (for menu), other div overlaps. Here is the code. It works fine in FF3. Any help appreciated. Please note that html should be as it is. Also if you can provide solution, just by changing styles of menu div (the div which contains menu text) it is more helpful for me. Tha...

Supporting mulitple versions of Firefox (2.*, 3.*). What should I test?

I have a situation where I did web development (wicket running on tomcat) on Firefox 3.6.3 and now need to support Firefox 2.0 and Firefox 3.6.3. Do you have any tips on what I should expect to break? Tips on where I should focus my testing? ...