
TODO/FIXME plugin for Eclipse

Hi In my project there are large no. of FIXME/TODO which are to addressed at some point of time. Actually ther about 480 which can be seen from 'TASKS' list but not organised. I googled and found *com.the_eventhorizon.todo.cdt.decorators_2.0.1* plugin form Task Tag Decorator But unfortunately this is not working . Can anyone suggest ...

How to use ant to check for tags (TODO: etc) in java source

it's common to see something like this in code, hopefully only during development: //XXX: not in production! String password = "hello"; // getActualPassword(...); ... catch(Exception e) { /* TODO: Auto-generated catch block*/ } I would like ant to be able to a) warn (on TODO: / FIXME: tags) or fail (on XXX: or simmilar) The build serv...