
Git: how to analyze code that has a multi-file history?

I'm about to move a ton of files around in an existing project. Before I do this, I'd like to have a firm grasp on some techniques used to analyze code that has a multi-file history. How can I use git to ask: "where did this line of code come from?" when the content has moved through multiple files in it's life time? I know git doesn't...

git: how to see changes due to push?

I can't quite figure out how to see what exactly was changed, in the remote repository, by a 'push'. 'git log' shows me the series of commits but those took place in my local repository and were pushed at different times; I would like to know which commits were part of each specific 'push' ...

how do i identify files/directories that were added or removed in a git commit?

I need to write a script that incrementally keeps track of files and directories added and removed from a git repo. I have tried to use: git log -n1 --pretty="format:" --name-only But that only tells me which files were committed. It does not specify if it was added or removed. Any ideas? ...

msysGit: Why does git log output blank lines?

It appears to insert less blank lines the closer I type the command to the bottom of the terminal window. If I type it at the top of the terminal window, it inserts nearly a full window height of blank lines; if I type it at the very bottom, no blank lines are inserted. It seems like the pager program is pushing output to the bottom ...

How can a patchfile created with `git-log -p <filename>` be applied to create all the commits included?

Background: this question. git apply <patchfile> just recreates the file but without committing the history, which in this case would be desireable. Is there any switch for git-apply to do so? Or is there a way to convert the patchfile into a git-am compatible file? (Currently, git-am complains "Patch format detection failed") ...

Searching for commits which reference a given object

I've got a file that's been installed on my system that is known to be part of a git repo. I'd like to find out which commit(s) (re-)introduced that version of that file, ie which commit is responsible for putting the file in its current state. I know that the file is in the repo because git show $(git hash-object $the_file) works. At...