
Gitosis: setting repository config variables

Is there a way to set repository config variables through the gitosis conf instead of going into each repository and editing the conf values directly? ...

Setting Git for a team of 3 people?

The post aims to summarize all pieces of information to set up a closed repository for 3 people in a competition. Please, feel free to add a problem to the list which I have not noted. Please, add each answer to each question as a separate answer. Situation A: Drafts and files can exchange between 3 people. The writer can only push fil...

How can I install Gitosis to my server without sudo access?

I am trying to follow these commands. I managed install Git to my server without sudo access. However, I need sudo access to add a new user: See this. It seems that Gitosis is very hard to install without sudo access. ...

Using gitosis to specify permissions per branch?

With gitosis, is it possible to specify write permissions so that users can push freely to branches with their own name, but not merge with the master? E.g. $USER/test1 .. $USER/test5 This mean you could host just one repository per project, rather than hosting multiple repositories for the same project, specific to each user: project...

Git/gitosis: How to check validity of user name and email?

I have installed git and gitosis and I need to add a check that the user name is valid when something is pushed into the repository. I reckon the pre-receive hook is the correct hook to place this, but I'm unable to find the real user name and email address which gitosis enters into the repository (the ones set by git config ...

gitosis configure problem

Hi, all I'm confronted with some problems when trying to configure gitosis on my Archlinux I referrer to this wiki article and successfully installed gitosis $ sudo pacman -U gitosis-git-20090525-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz $ sudo -H -u gitosis gitosis-init < /tmp/id_rsa...

git push says everything up-to-date even though I have local changes

I have a remote gitosis server and a local git repository, and each time I make a big change in my code, I'll push the changes to that server too. But today I find that even though I have some local changes and commit to local repository, when running git push origin master it says 'Everything up-to-date', but when I use git clone to c...

password problem with git clone gitosis@host:gitosis-admin.git

Hi, all I'm confronted with some problems when trying to configure gitosis on Ubuntu. When i run this command git clone gitosis@host:gitosis-admin.git For my local machine i used git clone [email protected]:gitosis-admin.git where is the ip of the server. But I get a password problem. I tried entering password of the server...

Is it possible to use the same ssh private/public key pair on 2 machines to access a git repository?

I've recently setup an inhouse git repository server and have it up and running with gitosis installed as the management tool. Read only access is available via the git:// protocol and write access is available via gitosis using ssh public keys. I have a developer that has been granted access to his projects with a public key that was g...

Set up Gitosis, but can't clone

I've set up Gitosis on a remote Ubuntu box which I will refer to as linuxserver as my host in the following commands. I'm also connecting from a Windows box using Cygwin. I followed the instructions according to: I had no problems up until I needed to clone...

Connecting to gitosis server through an SSH tunnel.

I've got an SSH tunnel setup on my macbook, like this... $ ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=3 -N -L 22222:gitosis-server:22 [email protected] So I can ssh to localhost:22222 and will end up on the gitosis-server behind the firewall. I've created a local file, copied it into the gitosis server(running Centos5), and importe...

gitosis authorized keys

Strange thing - on git push gitosis does not adds key for new user to the /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys. Of course - i can add keys manually, but its not good :( What can i do? ...

gitosis and git clone problem

Hi, I have installed gitosis, but i have strange thing when i'm working with repos. In config i have [gitosis] [group gitosis-admin] writable = gitosis-admin members = me@server me@laptop [group prj1] writable = prj1 members = me@laptop and in /home/git/repositories i have created directory prj1.git with empty git repo. i can work...

How do I recover from pushing a gitosis.conf file with parsing errors due to line breaks?

I have successfully set up gitosis for an Android mirror (containing multiple git repositories). While adding a new .git path following writable= in gitosis.conf I managed to insert a few line breaks. Saved, committed and pushed to server when I received the following parsing error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bi...

Gitosis and ssh keys - does the email address have anything to do with the git email address?

I'm trying to set up gitosis on a server. I was just wondering one thing, my ssh key has my gmail address at the end, because I was originally using it for github. For this new project on the server I'm setting up, I want to use my email address for this organization when committing to git. Is it OK for me to use the same ssh key when se...

git push validation from windows sets author to unknown

Hello, I have recently setup a new gitosis in my private network on ubuntu server. All other clients in network are windows xp machine except one linux client I have following setup in gitosis.conf: [group MyProjectTeam] writable = MyProjectRepo members = user1 user2 user3 I have also placed, and key fi...

Gitosis not updating server configuration after push of configuration changes

Hi, I've set up gitosis using the tutorial privided at: I found that I was unable to push and create a new repository after adding the appropriate permissions in the gitosis.conf. I would continually get "read access Denied" error. I ended up checking the a...

Gitosis install issues

I've installed gitosis using the instructions on the main site ( Searching the net it seems pretty standard install method. However I seem to be getting the following error when trying to clone gitosis-admin. git clone [email protected]:gitosis-admin.git ...

Why I can't add new repositories using gitosis?

I set up gitosis but even when i can clone, pull and push to the gitosis-admin repo, i can't create new ones. According to every doc i read, to create a new repo one has to: Give user write access to the repo (inside a group put: writable = repo-name) The user create a repo locally add a remote then does a push The repo is created in ...

git-merge with repository on local filesystem

For some context: I just upgraded Ubuntu which broke my existing gitosis installation (see here: bug #368895), and have just reinstalled gitosis from packages. I now want to migrate my whole config and set of repositories from the old gitosis installation (which still exists and can be pulled from but is otherwise broken). I now have tw...