
Flex Panel not being updated

I am drawing a cellular automaton simulation on a Flex Canvas. I alternate computing the state of the automaton with updating the graphics on the Panel. However, the updating of the Panel does not seem to be "keeping up" with the update of the CA state. I'm wondering whether I am doing something wrong with my handling of the graphics ...

How can I allow the user to type a TAB character in a Flex TextInput control?

I want to modify the Flex 3 TextInput control to accept a tab character as valid input (The app allows the user to enter an arbitrary delimiter string for file output formatting, and tab is a common use case). However, clearly in the default implementation the tab key changes the form focus away from the selected control. What I want, ...

How can I reset the vertical scroll position in Perl using Win32::GUI?

I'm outputting something to the textfield I created using Win32::GUI, like this: $Object->AddTextfield( -name => "Birthchart", -left => 75, -top => 90, -width => 250, -height => 250, -vscroll =>1, -multiline => 1, -prompt => "Birthchart", ); {#do ...

Web interface for c++ applications

Hi, Our company has a set of 3d modeling softwares written in c++ with qt based gui. We are planning to offer these applications to customers to try them from a web browser. I mean to say, we need to create web interfaces for native c++ codes. Please suggest me which technology, languages should be used. If possible please give some...

java gui without desktop environment

Is it possible to use java gui frameworks (such as Swing, SWT or javaFX) without desktop environment, such as Gnome? ...

Are there alternatives to the Ext.js JavaScript GUI Library?

Before I choose the first / only JS GUI library I know, I'd like to see what else is there on the market. Reason: For my taste, Ext.js has a too strong "Windows XP" touch which looks really weird on a mac. Mac users are my target customers, so maybe there's something out there that suits this much better or is more neutral. Needed: A ...

What is the best way to visualize large data sets in QT

Hey! I am working on a Qt project, which require visualization of very large data sets (time + value measurements). By very large I mean millions of values. I need to support scrolling across these values and zoom-in/out operations in the time axis. The ultimate zoom-out should show all the data set sub-sampled to match the window widt...

close window event in java

I added an window state listener as follow: this.addWindowStateListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { ExitAction.getInstance().actionPerformed(null); } }); But when I'm using the X close button the event is not called. I think it's something to do with netbean jdeskto...

setCentralWidget() causing the QMainWindow to crash.. Why?

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { this->setupUi(this); this->setupActions(); this->setWindowTitle(tr("CuteEdit")); label = new QLabel(tr("No Open Files")); this->setCentralWidget(label); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); } By above code, I get a GUI like ...

Deleting and replacing selected text in JEditorPane

I am trying to make a Text Editor using Java Swing. In that I am using JEditorPane instead of JTextArea. I am facing problems in deleting selected text and replacing selected text from the JEditorPane. The Code I am Using is: public void delete(JEditorPane txt) { int start = txt.getSelectionStart(); int end = txt.getSelectionEn...

Grouping Controls

I'm using C++ Builder 5. Is there a way to group a disparate set of controls so that by simply calling, for instance, myGroup.Enabled = false; will set all group of controls enabled property to false? I can't use a GroupBox since the controls (labels, checkboxes, etc) are on different TabPages. The reason I ask is so I don't have to cal...

Does GCC have a GUI?

Does GCC have a GUI or Graphical IDE? Edit: I'm on Windows Vista /7 OR Ubuntu 9.10. I'm looking for something beginner-friendly. I've used Flash CS3 for 2 years and been doing HTML for 6. I have toyed briefly with Java and once or twice tried C++. I prefer working on Windows for now. ...

How to display flowcharts dynamically in java?

I want to develop a java desktop application that takes some inputs from the user and store it in a database. After that, when user clicks on a button (say display) it displays the information, entered by him earlier, in a flowchart like format. Can I display that information in the form of flowcharts? ...

Is there a nice way to abstract the GUI so SWT or Swing can be used?

I'm writing an application that has an SWT GUI currently, but would like the end-users to be able to choose between SWT and Swing. I've experimented with abstracting the GUI details before at different layers in the program, but have never been really satisfied with the results. Is there an agreed-upon or nice way to do this? ...

Does using JFace's Viewers preclude good MVC separation?

I'm writing a GUI app that I want to use Swing and SWT. The end-user will specify somehow which should be used (it won't use both at the same time!). SWT is what I prefer generally and I have been looking at JFace, but it seems like if I use its most powerful features I will increase the coupling between the GUI and the model, and make i...

Laying out overlapping rectangles

I am trying to layout a bunch of overlapping rectangles that start out like this: The 2-pass algorithm I thought up is roughly: // Pass 1 - Move all rectangles to the right until they do not overlap any other rectangles rects = getRectsSortedOnTopLeft(); // topmost first, all rects same size foreach(rect in rects) { while(rect.col...

Storing several data into a file

Hi Can somebody give me some tips about storing a lot of data into a file? For example: I'm creating an audio sequencer with C++, and I want to save all the audio sample names (the file paths), info about the audio tracks in the project (name, volume, mute, solo, etc.) and where the samples are placed on the timeline into a file. I re...

a quasi-raskinesque zoomable, mostly text interface + 3d, cross platform and open; where do i start? (opengl?)

hi everyone, in this browser and bitmap graphics dominated world - after decades of macintosh-ish richly decorated windows and pretty components - I'm looking for a way to render fixed size character text, draw an extremely simplified "gui" onto 3d panels that can be zoomed and interactively resized making the content tiny and not wrapp...

Parent Child Relationship UI

Consider the following Parent/Child relationship. What I would like to know is how I would go about creating a GUI for this with the following requirements: All Parents or children will contain an image a label and a couple of buttons Parents will be collapse able New Parents/Children can be added at any time I was thinking about us...

Attach window to running application

I have customer that uses older, custom built ERP application for which they don't have source code and company that developed it does not exist any more. Application is developed in 2000 and it's built with Delphi. Since last executable is from 2003, it could be D6 or D7. On one important form there are some fields where customer woul...