
How to specify behavior of Java BufferedImage resize: need min for pixel rows instead of averaging

I would like to resize a Java BufferedImage, making it smaller vertically but without using any type of averaging, so that if a pixel-row is "blank" (white) in the source image, there will be a white pixel-row in the corresponding position of the destination image: the "min" operation. The default algorithms (specified in getScaledInstan...

What's the best way to "dim" background of winform while displaying a dialog?

I'd like to implement a feature in my application where show a dialog to the user, and the main form (similar to how jQuery looks). My only idea is to take a screenshot of the form, place it as the background of a panel (with opacity to my liking) then pushing the panel over everything on the form. I have to believe there is a better w...

creating QT gui using a thread in c++?

I am trying to create this QT gui using a thread but no luck. Below is my code. Problem is gui never shows up. /*INCLUDES HERE... .... */ using namespace std; struct mainStruct { int s_argc; char ** s_argv; }; typedef struct mainStruct mas; void *guifunc(void * arg); int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { mas m;<br> m.s_argc =...

CheckBox menu item Decrypt in JAVA GUI

I am working on a project and part of ask for: add a CheckBox menu item Decrypt which can be checked for decrypt or unchecked for Encrypt. This item should be tied to the toggle button in the GUI. Both should reflect the current status of encrypting/decrypting in the application which is I not sure how to begin with ...

BlackBerry - Scrolling fixed size text edit with static label on the left side and border

Hello everyone I am new to blackberry and I want a textfield that scroll it's text i.e greater than the preferred width horizontally , also able to show label out side the text draw area ( e.g. on the left side). Please help me. ...

wxPython, Threads, and PostEvent between modules

I'm relatively new to wxPython (but not Python itself), so forgive me if I've missed something here. I'm writing a GUI application, which at a very basic level consists of "Start" and "Stop" buttons that start and stop a thread. This thread is an infinite loop, which only ends when the thread is stopped. The loop generates messages, whi...

Why SetMinimumSize sets the minimal heights but not width?

Here is my code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class PanelModel { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Colored Trails"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel...

QSplitter becoming undistinguishable between QWidget and QTabWidget

I am puting a QWidget and a QTabWidget next to each other in one horisontal splitter. And the splitter loses it's shape, you can know that there is a splitter only by hovering mouse on it. How to make it visible? Thanks. ...

Structuring Win32 GUI code

I wish to improve my code and file structure in larger Win32 projects with plenty of windows and controls. Currently, I tend to have one header and one source file for the entire implementation of a window or dialog. This works fine for small projects, but now it has come to the point where these implementations are starting to reach 100...

C + GUI + Mac OS

i know c and I want to develop applications with GUI for Mac OS. Where do I start? ...

Why setPreferredSize does not change the size of the button?

Here is the code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class TestGrid { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Colored Trails"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayou...

How can I force the text go to the button of the panel?

At the moment I have the following code which works fine. label = new JLabel(panelLabel,SwingConstants.CENTER); outputPanel.add(label,BorderLayout.CENTER); I get the text in the center of the panel (in terms of the left-right position as well as in terms of the top-bottom). Now I want to set the position to the bottom (and center in...

Custom Control Not Playing Nice With PropertyGrid

I have a class that is implementing a custom ToolStripItem. Everything seems to work great until I try to add the item to a ContextMenuStrip at design time. If I try to add my custom control straight from the ContextMenuStrip the PropertyGrid freezes up and will not let me modify my Checked or Text properties. But if I go into the Con...

How to run this Qt script? (newbie question)

I have a Qt script (barchart.qs) that creates a graph for me. I don't know how I can incorporate (i.e. show the graph) in my Qt mainwindow. Can someone please help me look at the code and what its outputs are? I tried engine.evaluate, but I don't know what is the QScriptValue I'm getting in return. Thanks sooo much. This is the script: ...

Microsoft Windows - How can I determine if a window is an error dialog?

I need to be able to detect programatically whether a given window is an error dialog box or not. I recognize that in the extreme case this is probably impossible since it's quite subjective. I'm wondering if microsoft marks these dialog boxes in any way. ie. is there a window style, or something through MSAA, or any other characteris...

How do I create a pull-down/up window in Android GUI?

For Android GUI: I would like to create a window that I can pull up from the bottom of another window, kind of like the Notification bar or the tab in the bottom on Spotify for Android. I want to be able to grab a small piece of the window and pull it up. Or just click it and it will "pop up". And afterwards be able to pull or click it ...

UI: where to display a status result from a drag & drop?

So I've got drag & drop working. When a drop occurs, I do some processing, and sometimes there is a result that I want to make the user aware of. Right now I am just outputting to the console which isn't very nice. What's an appropriate way to display a status result from a drag & drop? Somehow a modal dialog box seems inappropriate, an...

Making a app show inside a GUI in Java

Hello. I have one problem I've been dealing with for this week. You see, I'm new to Java, so that's probably it... Anyways, I've started a project out of pure curiosity. I had it done in Java, but in plain CMD-style, which is not very pretty. It calls one of my ten programs, chosen by the user using "Case". Eg.: If you type 1, it will ...

BlackBerry - Custom centered cyclic HorizontalFieldManager

Trying to create a custom cyclical horizontal manager which will work as follows. It will control several field buttons where the buttons will always be positioned so that the focused button will be in the middle of the screen. As it is a cyclical manager once the focus moves to the right or left button, it will move to the center of the...

Java/BlackBerry build error overriding too many classes

Hey everyone, Has anyone ever heard of overriding too many classes in Java? Perhaps this issue is just related to BlackBerry development, but I was wondering if it is an issue in Java, too. Let's say I have the following: LabelField lblTitle = new LabelField(title) { protected void paint(Graphics graphics) { graphics.setCo...