
WPF change left margin of textbox

Hi, I want to change the just the left margin of a WPF textbox via XAML: This code obviously does not work : <TextBox Margin.Left ="0"/> What would be the correct code, does anyone here know ? Regards, MadSeb ...

wxWidgets ComboBox center on selected item

Hello SO, I have a requirement to center a wx.ComboBox on the selected item when opened. Basically, I want to do this (, but using wxWidgets. Thanks ...

What are the standard ways to put a crisp partial border around a WPF element?

If I have a menu bar in WPF and I set its Border to be black and have thickness 1, I get a crsip 1 pixel border all the way around the menu bar, instead of just a nice crisp line at the bottom. Similarly for a status bar. How can I get a nice crisp boundary around just part of a WPF element like a menu bar or status bar? Having crisp 1 ...

How can I draw my own ToolTip in place of the default for Swing components?

I'm attempting to create my own custom ToolTip for a program I've ported to Java, I'm trying to match the original programs ToolTips (it was written in Delphi). I've got some code that allows me to draw "inside" a ToolTip but for some reason, if I Override paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) and leave it blank it still draws a ToolTip, and a...

Qt4: Write a function that creates a dialog and returns the choice of the user.

Not sure if this has a straightforward solution, but I want to write a function that shows a dialog (defined elsewhere in a class that inherits QDialog) and returns the user input when the user has finished interacting with the dialog. In other words, something similar to the QFileDialog::getOpenFileName static method, where a single lin...

Need help positioning Java GUI Components for Lab

Hey there, everyone. I'm currently enrolled in a Client/Server Programming class (i.e. Java 2) in college. For our first lab assignment, we're being asked to create a simple GUI to emulate a basic instant messaging chat client. This client won't have any actual functionality, just a simple window. This window, however has to look simila...

C# Wav File Playing freezes GUI

Problem: The wav files plays, but GUI does not respond at all. The lbl_PhonoString.Text is not updated every loop. User cannot pause or cancel until all the files are played completely. I know I have to use a seaparate thread to play the Wav file. I am not at all familiar with threading. Can someone suggest what I should do here? My Co...

Application GUI development platform

Coming from C++ & MFC background, is there any better (maintainability/customization) platform in developing application GUI ? We are developing industrial applications (machine vision), where : -Performance-critical (mostly image processing in CPU atm, but GPU is up next) -Low level hardware interfacing (inhouse PCI device, frame gr...

How is Wave developed with GWT?

Whatever happens to Google Wave, its UI, in my opinion, is 'beautiful'. In fact, it's listed as a real world project that utilizes GWT on GWT's web site. I would like to learn how Wave was built using GWT, but there does not seem to be many documentation on that topic. Could anyone please point me to the right direction with regards t...

Does WindowTester work for AWT UIs?

I've just come across WindowTester, a JUnit GUI testing framework for "Swing, SWT and GWT". From reading the documentation, I can't work out if it also supports AWT. Anyone got any experience with this product? ...

How to surround JTable with JScrollPane through windowbuilder?

In Eclipse Jigloo plugin you can right click on JTable and choose "surrond with JScrollPane". But in windowbuilder pro plugin I can't find a way to make JTable with JScrollPane ...

jtable columns too small

Hi, i am very stuck. Hopefully a kind person on here can help me with a line of code to make my jtable sretch a little further across the panel its in. At the moment it just stays really small in the middle of the screen! I have tried many approaches, just recently failing at trying to change the widths of the columns (as the page / gui ...

Content fade-in as user scrolls browser window

I'm discovering more websites that perform this visual trick where as you scroll down the browser window, the content fades into view. I'm wondering how this trick is done and (more importantly) why? I'm guessing that for exceptionally long pages, the content isn't fetched until you actually reveal that div, image, whatever therefore s...

List sorted by categories in Tkinter?

I'm building a graphical program that will need to show files on both the user's computer and on a remote server. I'm using Tkinter, and I'm definitely a novice with this toolkit. I want to have the files displayed in a box similar to what you would get from a "Details" view in Windows, so that each file has several categories of info(th...

How to mix nodpi and normal/medium/small/large resources

I am trying to mix nodpi resources and non-nodpi resources in my application, but it just doesn't work. When I work with nodpi only, the screen size reported is 480x800 (for example) and all the bitmaps are drawn properly. But when I drop a single bitmap in drawable-normal, the resolution is lowered and that is not the behaviour I want. ...

Image from Java GUI to MATLAB

I have a problem with transferring the image (RGB data) I get from Java GUI (for which I have the source code) to a MATLAB array. Can this be done? I don't know where to start since I'm not very familiar with Java programming. Any help would be appreciated. I'm a Ph.D. student and I need to solve this for my future research. ...

Custom duration field on blackberry

Does anyone have a duration field they have created for Blackberry? The field needs to allow the user to select days, hours, minutes; needs to build in OS 4.5 and support touch interface manipulation (on the Storms). ...

Python - Best GUI library for the job?

I've been using WxPython and I've tried Tk, but it seems that, while both are good and I'll likely use them for other projects, neither of those appear to be capable of accomplishing the things that I want for my current project (which is fine, they're good at what they do). Basically what I'm looking for is something that will allow me...

UI design in WPF - creating non-standard UI

Okay, so I had a really, really hard time formulating my title because I couldn't come up with a short phrase that would justify what I was trying to say in a clear way. Sorry about that. But, to the question: I asked a week or so ago about whether to use C# or Adobe Air for some quite simple applications, and I've not made my final dec...

Java Swing JSlider addChangeListener error

Hello, I am using Swing to make a simple GUI but when I add a change listener to a JSlider, I get the following runtime error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at XMovePanel.<init>( My code is the following: public class XMovePanel extends JPanel { JSlider xCoord; private G...