
Capturing heavyweight java components?

Hi! I have a desktop application having heavyweight components (JxBrowser) in a JFrame. How can I make a snapshot from the GUI and save it to for example a png file? Note: The method using Graphics2d and Component.paint()/paintAll()/print/printAll works only for lightweight components. Any answers appreciated! EDIT I have already...

General Purpose Filter As You Type (aka typeahead, Incremental find, autocomplete) is it out there?

Background Lately I've become a fanatic that everything I type while working on a computer should be compatible with "DRY". If there's anything I have to type more than once in any context, I want some kind of user-aware auto-complete option to do some of the work for me -- always -- no exceptions. Having to work under Windows, I've lo...

What are some guidelines for displaying information to a user in a web-browser?

What are some guidelines for displaying information to a user in a web-browser? I am trying to determine some guidelines and best practices for displaying information to a user. The exact case is a confirmation button: once it’s been pressed and the subject is confirmed the button is disabled (to prevent users from clicking it again)....

Creating a GUI application that wraps command-line programs on Linux and Windows

Hi, I'm writing a GUI application that will let users interact with command-line programs. The programs are crystallography programs, in this case. They take a long time to run. There's a certain common workflow using the command-line programs. The output from one program is typically processed and then is used by other programs. T...

What is the next great UI metaphor that will replace the Desktop?

The desktop metaphor has been hanging around for a number of years now. The creativity within the software field should be able to produce a new cooler metaphor that doesn't involve dragging windows around all the time. I believe that the desktop metaphor has soon been stretched to its maximum. What do you think? Have you heard of any ...

handling GUI element properties per app state

I was thinking of centralizing this functionality by having a single method that gets passed an AppState argument and it deals with changing the properties of all GUI elements based on this argument. Every time the app changes its state (ready, busy, downloading so partially busy, etc), this function is called with the appropriate state ...

win32 gui, pixel access with opengl? w/o killing performance?

I want to make a editor and need normal win32 buttons such as textbox, buttons, etc. I also need a control for pixel access. I really dont like GDI so i am thinking i should do it with opengl. I havent done it before and i want to know if this is a bad idea before i write any code. This is what i am thinking to do this. Create a normal ...

GUI App with Visual C++ Express Edition

What tool (preferably free) can be used with Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to create Win32 GUI applications? As you know the Express Edition does not include a GUI resource editor. ...

How Can I Create Rounded Rectangle Buttons in WM6?

Yes, like those pretty buttons on the iPhone. ;) I've been searching and reading for days now and everytime I find something that will get me close (like CreateRoundRectRgn), it blows up because Windows Mobile 6 GDI+ doesn't support it. I can do the whole owner draw thing and such. But how do I curve those hard corners and reshape a...

JavaScript developer looking for inspiration from frameworks such as cocoa

I'm a developer who builds mainly single page client side web applications where state in maintained on the client-side. Lately some of the applications have become very complex with very rich domain models on the client-side and increasingly complicated UI interactions. As we've gone along we've implemented some very useful design patt...

How do I remove minimize and maximize from a resizable window in WPF?

WPF doesn't provide the ability to have a window that allows resize but doesn't have maximize or minimize buttons. I'd like to able to make such a window so I can have resizable dialog boxes. I'm aware the solution will mean using pinvoke but I'm not sure what to call and how. A search of didn't turn up any thing that jumped...

Web-site for typical GUI-solutions to common usability problems?

A discussion happened today where a grid containing data, which ultimately had data attached to it, think master-detail type grids, and a question followed, so I thought I'd ask the question here in the hopes someone has an answer or some pointers. If you have a problem where you're wondering how should I do this so that the user will f...

Flex List control more than a String ?

Hi flexers, I have a list control where i want to show a string (thats fine) but a colored square as well. Imagine i have a "add player" button a text input with a color picker. I want to see the color + player name in the List. How could i do this ? [Bindable] public var data:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); <mx:List id="...

GUI Locking up when using PrintDialog and PrintPreviewDialog in .net

I'm using .net's PrintPreviewDialog and whenever it's generating a preview, it locks up my GUI in the background and makes it look like it has crashed until the preview is finished. Seeing how the .net's page progress window that pops up isn't a dialog, the back ground can be selected which then comes to the front in a half drawn, locked...

create java console inside the panel

How can I create an instance of the Java console inside of a panel? ...

Will Flash Popularity Become AIR Popularity?

[This is a community Wiki so do not bother voting it down if it seems like a poll question. It is.] Will Adobe be able to translate its success in Flash Penetration (although also questionable, see my post here) to Adobe AIR? Is Adobe AIR the "next big thing" in a desktop platform, just another player (along with what else?), or will it...

Making a JDialog button respond to the Enter key

I have a JQueryDialog with a text field, an OK button and a cancel button. I want to be able to hit the enter key after filling in the text fields and have it do the same action as when I click the OK button. ...

Configuration window for list of connections

I'm writing a program that needs a configuration window for a list of connections. I have a ListBox to list the connections, and 8 or so settings for each entry. It seems I should use data bindings somehow to bind the data to something (possibly directly to the built-in settings system somehow?), how should I implement this? ...

Why are Tk GUI's considered ugly?

Tk GUI's seem to be universally considered ugly, but I'd like to know why specifically. Some in the Tcl/Tk world would argue that this is a moot point as there is much better support now for native look and feel, which is a big reason I decided on Tcl/Tk. Now, however, the problem is, because I'm leveraging a Tcl/Starkit vfs (virtual ...

Disabling redraw in WinForms app

I'm working on a C#.Net application which has a somewhat annoying bug in it. The main window has a number of tabs, each of which has a grid on it. When switching from one tab to another, or selecting a different row in a grid, it does some background processing, and during this the menu flickers as it's redrawn (File, Help, etc menu item...