
GUI Libraries for D

What is the current status of GUI programming with D Language? Are the language developers planning include GUI in the standard library? The List (compiled from answers) DWT (SWT binding) GtkD (GTK binding) wxD (wxWidgets binding) QtD (Qt binding) ...

GLWidget in QT only updating on mousemove

I am currently playing with QT trying to set up a small particle system. Therein I've subclassed the GLWidget and hacked away at it. Everything was going well until I made some unknown change and now the widget only repaints when I move the mouse (it should be doing it all the time due to the QTimer I have firing). Relevant code: Ope...

Are there any good 3rd party GUI products for Python?

In .Net you have companies like DevEpxress, and Infragistics that offer a range of GUI widgets. Is there any market like that for Python GUI widgets? I'm thinking specifically about widgets like the DevExpress xtraGrid Suite. Edit 01-16-09: For Example: http://demos.devexpress....

Where can I find documentation on functions available in the Ruby Shoe GUI Toolkit?

Is there any documentation that discribes all the available functions and objects in shoe? update: 2008.01.21 I am looking for a list of all the methods that can be called against an animate object. For example I only figured out how to pause an animation using the toggle() method by reading source code from the shoebox (http://the-sh...

How to maintain widgets aspect ratio in Qt?

How is it possible to maintain widgets aspect ratio in Qt and what about centering the widget? ...

Moving a Flex GUI window confused by underlying Papervision3D viewport

I'm developing a Flex 2 application, and I noticed that part of the library which is responsible for moving GUI windows (TitleWindows) around when you drag them with the mouse gets confused if there is a clickable (buttonMode = true) sprite beneath them. When I say confused, I mean that the window is moved around normally for a while, bu...

Are there any good guidelines, references, design patterns or just good advice for building HTML/JavaScript Air Apps.

I'm currently building a prototype AIR application for work. It allows our clients to download and work with their data and then synchronise with the server at some later time. Pretty standard stuff. I'm an experienced web developer and so I have been fairly successful at getting this app into a reasonable state for demonstration, but...

Best language for quickly creating user interfaces with out drag and drop?

I'm a blind college student who is taking an introduction to programming class that focuses on user interface design. The class is using processing which is completely inaccessible. I'm looking for a language that will allow me to create GUI's with out drag and drop and hopefully be smart enough to do most of the layout with out forcing ...

Panel with line wrapping and line breaking in Java Swing

How to implement a panel that would support line wrapping and line breaking? I would only add textual labels and line breaks to this panel. The labels should flow from left to right, wrapping to the next "line" if needed. The line breaks would cause a jump to the next line. I would also like to make the panel vertically scrollable. The ...

Fluid layout of text in Flex3

In my Flex3 app I have some floating windows which contain variable amounts of text. The windows are meant to be user-resizable. Currently, while I can resize the windows OK, I can't get the text in a TextArea in the window to re-flow when the window is resized. I've come across blog postings that there's a size bug in TextArea that mean...

Selecting an index in a QListView

This might be a stupid question, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to select the row of a given index in a QListView. QAbstractItemView , QListView's parent has a setCurrentIndex(const QModelIndex &index). The problem is, I can't construct a QModelIndex with the row number I want since the row and column field of the QModelI...

What is the best VB.NET control (standard/custom) for displaying list of files?

I'm developing a Desktop Search Engine in VB.NET and I'm looking for a powerful, flexible and feature-rich control for displaying the search results i.e. list of files. ...

How to build a Google-chrome tabs and menubar interface in Java Swing?

Does someone know an open source project or code snippets, which demonstrate how to create a google-chrome like interface with similar tabs and toolbar in Swing? I know, that I can use JTabbedPane, but I'm thinking of an interface which looks and feels very similar to the google chrome "tabbed browsing". ...

Delphi-like GUI designer for Python

Is there any GUI toolkit for Python with form designer similar to Delphi, eg where one can drag and drop controls to form, move them around etc. ...

JPA GUI tools

Hi, What are the GUI tools available for JPA? ...

How to position editbox's cursor in shoes?

Shoes is very handy GUI tool. I would like to do a search form so that a user is helped to navigate through larger texts for editing. For this I need to move the cursor within an editbox element. Here you'll see my question in code: do stack do p=para "After pressing 'search' a question will arise" box=edit_box ...

Java, GUI builder or hand coding?

My company software has a lot of forms, till now we wrote the code by hand (MVC way). We consider start using GUI builder. There are few problems with using a Builder. Parts of the code are not readable. Parts of the code are not editable. It will be harder to edit the code later. We will have to continue using the builder in the fut...

Is there a gallery of great application UI's that can be used for ideas?

I'm looking for websites that showcase screenshots of applications with exceptional UI design. I'm writing an application and am taking my time considering what the UI should look like. My audience is not business but family. My previous UI-design experience (and comfort) is with Windows Forms so I would typically use standard list bo...

How do I create an automatic UI event trace in winforms?

I need to take an existing winforms application and drop into an event tracing mode, with hopefully as little friction as possible. I would like to see every action the user takes as a simple stack trace-looking thing: MainForm.LaunchThing_Click ThingWindow.NameInput_Focus ThingWindow.NameInput_TextChanged ThingWindow.AddressInput_Focu...

.NET form that preserves text fields across sessions?

Its a simple config app with 4 checkboxes and 5 textboxes, and all values must persist across sessions. do I have to serialize the fields and restore them by hand? I really have no idea the best way to approach this. ...