
WEB based application with desktop integration - technologies?

This is a general question concerning technology decisions for a product development. My aim is to develop a web based remote support (desktop sharing application) with audio and video communication. My ideal solution would be to develop it as web product meaning that the client side always run in the browser. Client technology would ...

GWT 2 CssResource how to

I have a GWT 1.7 application and I want to upgrade it to GWT 2 Milestone 2. The application uses 2 big external CSS files. In GWT 1.7 I had a public folder and put both the CSS files in the folder and my application compiled and worked fine. Now for GWT 2 I have created a ResourceBundle class and put all image sprites and CSS as follows:...

problem with getWidgetCount() gwt

Hi, I am using getWidgetCount() but it does not look like i am getting correct results. Here is the code where i have this function: public class ERD1 implements EntryPoint { private PickupDragController dragController; final AbsolutePanel boundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); int i; public void onModuleLoad() { ...

Writing Ajax code in JAVA

I want to write ajax code in java i.e. i want use the functionality of ajax without using ajax. I'm looking for some API of JAVA which can do so. Like we post data of a web page through JAVA program similarly I want to perform operation of ajax through JAVA program. Please suggest. ...

Why does GWT sometimes successfully compile and other times just stall?

I am working on a demo for a client of what's possible with GWT-Ext for GWT. After browsing for the simplest way to get up and running, I decided on installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse and using the New Web Application Wizard. First time around, I followed these steps for create the default application: Selected File > New > Web...

Google Web Toolkit on a standalone server

Our team is planning on making a thick client into a web based UI. We are researching the various options and GWT is something that we are researching. I have a question if GWT can be deployed by itself (meaning, does it have a built-in web server that can be deployed as a solution?) Appreciate thoughts about it. Thanks in advance. ...

google web toolkit and a c++ library

I would like to know if and how GWT will talk to my C++ library to process some events on the UI. Thanks in advance for the help. ...

Calling Java methods in a GWT module via Javacript of a Google Gears worker in a workerpool

I would like to know if it would be possible to call Java method of a GWT module within a worker in a Google Gears workerpool. For example given the class and method of a GWT module. package com.mycomp; public class MyClass implements EntryPoint, WorkerPoolMessageHandler { public void mymethod() { ... }} I have tried defining the fo...

What engine powers the GWT Hosted Mode browser?

From what I've read/viewed online about using GWT, the key is to develop/debug in the Hosted Mode browser versus compiling and testing in normal browsers. As a UI developer - the rendering engine is a key piece of the puzzle when using a custom/embedded browser. Thus (since I can't find the info anywhere), what browser rendering engine...

How to disable Google Visualizations Select "balloons"?

Does anyone know how to disable the little "detail" balloons that popup when a Google Visualizations' chart is clicked (Selected)? Following the sample code at Getting Started with Visualizations, my charts look wonderful except that the "zoom details" feature I've developed don't override the default balloons. Unfortunately the balloo...

GWT web page complexity

I'm using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to implement a complex application on the web. I was wondering, however, how many components can be included into a single page (a.k.a. entry point) before the browser becomes unusably slow? Would I be better to break my application down into multiple smaller web pages? ...

Intercept click over label widgets

Hello there, tyrpx is a GWT / Google App Engine app that allows players to do typing races. I am trying to prevent people from selecting text to type (it's a quote). The quote is made of GWT labels. Is there a way to prevent people to select text? of to intercept a click over a panel or label? See it here then clic...

Tracking mouse movements over a page with GWT

In a GWT app, I would like to track and display X, Y mouse coordinates and intercept clicks over the whole browser page. The page contains lots of GWT widgets such as panels, buttons, etc... Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks. Daniel ...

Is it possible to create a purely client-side GWT application?

I'm fairly familiar with GWT - having completed the Eclipse-based tutorial. But the tutorial runs in client-server mode. My question is: is it possible to create a GWT application that completely runs client-side, where javascript/html is generated but there is no reliance on backend java classes? I understand that the full breadth of...

GWT+hibernate for highly interactive web application?

As a Java developer new to the web development environment, I was quite excited to find Grail which provides a great framework especially the convenience of abstracting DB operations with ORM. I later learned that it is actually the function of hibernate. At the same time I am delighted to learn about GWT. It is a god send for the projec...

Migrate Java Applet to what/where??

I am reviewing currently a medium size code base (around 30K LOC) which uses a huge Applet and interfaces with other systems. It's a tool to create custom labels, so we need drag-n-drop and other related UI components. To which technogly will you migrate given the code base is in Java. Applet -- No Java FX -- Adoption rate is too low...

GWT's hosted mode not working

I've been stumped for a while trying to figure out why my GWT demo app isn't working in hosted mode so I went back and downloaded the Google Web Toolkit again, unzipped it and simply went to the samples directory and ran "ant hosted". The hosted browser launches and only shows the static html content but none of the dynamically generated...

GWT error at runtime: ....style_0 is null

My code works fine in IE 8, but on firefox 3.5, the javascript fails to load. I used firebug to figure out why, and the error I get is (GWT detailed mode) My suspicion is that some style is not defined in the CSS, but I have not been able to find anything. thanks Siddharth com_google_gwt_dom_client_DOMImplMozilla_$getBodyOffsetLeft__...

GWT Popup window in new browser window

Hi , I am trying to open new pop up window (browser window ) on click of button . Please suggest how to impement it. ...

ClickListener for Composite Widget

Hi, I have a composite widget made of a textbox and a custom widget, which are then added to a verticalPanel. I created this custom widget using Raphael JS. Now i want this Composite widget to recognize both click event and also the ctrl event. I tried implementing clicklistener in both the classes with no fruitful results. here is t...