
Two HTML tables side by side, centered on the page

I have two tables on a page that I want to display side by side, and then center them within the page (actually within another div, but this is the simplest I could come up with): <style> #outer { text-align: center; } #inner { text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; } .t { float: left; } table { border: 1px solid black; } #clearit ...

How do I make WPF ListView items repeat horizontally, like a horizontal scrollbar?

I have a WPF ListView which repeats the data vertically, I cannot figure out how to make it repeat horizontally, like the slideshow view in Windows Explorer. My current ListView definition is; <ListView ItemsSource="{StaticResource MyDataList}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ListViewTemplate}"> </ListView> The DataTemplace is (although...

Asp.Net Horizontal Submenu

How do I create an asp:Menu that has a horizontal submenu rather then a vertical one while keeping the top menu horizontal? ...

Horizontal Ordered List (and IE)

I'm looking to generate an output similar to this: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four from the following HTML Code <ol> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> <li>Three</li> <li>Four</li> </ol> It seems that Internet Explorer does not want to display the number's (list-item's) when you float the li's in order to make ...

Django admin display groups horizontally

How do I get Django admin to display groups horizontally? If I have 3 adjacent datetime fields, I'd rather them take up 1 row, not 3. ...

Aligning matrices vertically as well as horizontally in LaTeX

I'm trying to accomplish this in LaTeX: ⎡a⎤ ⎡b … n⎤ ⎢⁞⎢ ⎢⁞ ⋱ ⁞⎢ ⎣x⎦ ⎣y … z⎦ [a … x] I'm able to get a vector + a matrix on one line, but I'm not sure how to align the vector below so that it sits perfectly under the large matrix. Here's a less-unicode text representation of the 'drawing' above: [a] [ b c ] [d] [ e f ] ...

css and div tag layout problems

I have a header bar that spans horizontally across my web page, which is comprised of one div tag and three nested div tags. HTML: <div id="top-bar"> <div id="leftTop"> LEFT </div> <div id="rightTop"> RIGHT </div> <div id="centerTop"> CENTER </div> </div> CSS: #top-bar { margin: 0;...

Right alignment in subreport used for arabic data

we have to create report for Arabic data. In sub report we need right align data. So we gave horizontal alignment to right but it doesn't work. Any one can suggest any solution for right alignment in sub report. ...

How do I align text/images on bottom/right/center/middle of a container using the blueprint css framework?

Is there some easy way to align stuff in div containers to the right or bottom: <div class="span-24 align-right last">Text appears on the right side of the layout</div> or: <div class="span-2" id="lots-of-content"></div><div class="span-22 last bottom">Appears at bottom of container</div> or: <div class="span-24 vertical-middle la...

I want to align <div> b with <div> a horizontally, is there a simple way to do it?

When I write <div name="a">Foo</div><div name="b">bar</div>, I want horizontal alignment instead of vertical alignment. How to do it? Is there a simple way to do that? By default, it is vertical alignment. ...

Center float boxes horizontally

I want to display some floating boxes (divs containing thumbnails) and the number of thumbnails depends on the current page width. For example: <div class="container"> <div class="box1" style="float:left;width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:10px;">Thumbnail image here</div> <div class="box2" style="float:left;width:120px;height:120...

Align items in a stack panel?

I was wondering if I can have 2 controls in a horizontal-oriented StackPanel so that the right item should be docked to the right side of the StackPanel. I tried the following but it didn't work: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock>Left</TextBlock> <Button Width="30" HorizontalAlignment="Right">Right<Button> </Stac...

WPF Toolbar Items HorizontalAligment="Right"

Is it possible to make the elements within a WPF toolbar have a HorizontalAlignment of Right? <ToolBar Height="38" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="1"> <Button HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="50" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/> <Button HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="50" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"/> <ComboBox Width="120"...

Block element, horizontal center aligned and minimum width possible

Hi, I'm trying to have this block element to be horizontally aligned in the middle but at the same time I would like the width to be the minimum possible for the contents inside. But I don't think it's possible or I'm not able to do it myself... a#button-link { background: url("images/button-link.png") no-repeat scroll center left;...

How to properly align textboxes on a webpage with labels

Hi, this is a CSS / design question. I have three textboxes that i want to be center aligned on a web page. Then i want a label description to the right of each one. When i use attribute like text:align:centre because the labels are of different length it throws out the aligment of the textboxes [see image link below] http://www.media...

Div horizontal aligning, one fixed, one adaptive

Hello everyone. I would like to create a vertical splitted site structure using two divs: My intention is to have d2 next to d1 in a horizontal align structure (same line). What i get is not this. In fact using that code, d2 does not take the remaining space, but collapses to the min width. if I use WRONG because d2 goes down ...

Vetical and Horizontally Align an image in a box

The problem: I have a set width and height image Lets say height:160px; width:200px; with an image in each box. The image can vary in size but I need a solution that will always center the image vertically and horizontally within the box no matter what it's size. Horizontal doesn't seem to be a problem by using margin: 0 auto but ver...

center aligning a fixed position div

I'm trying to get a div that has position:fixed center aligned on my page. I've always been able to do it with absolutely positioned divs using this "hack" width:400px; left:50%; margin-left:-200px where the value for margin-left is half the width of the div. This doesn't seem to work for fixed position divs, instead it just places t...

CSS: how to align center-to-center horizontally the labels and the fields?

Hi, i have this page. How to align center-to-center horizontally the labels and the fields? Regards Javi ...

CSS - shift long continuous text inside the div to the right?

I have a long text that would not fit within the div it occupies. The div class is as follows: .mydiv { overflow:hidden; padding:3px 3px 3px 5px; white-space:nowrap; } Of course I can only see portion of text. The problem is that it shows first N characters and I want to show last N chars. How do I achieve it with CSS? Te...