
New project panic

I have a question which is not strictly-speaking programming related, but nevertheless caused by being an analyst and a programmer at the same time. It's about starting new projects which seem to be unfeasible, because they have an unknown domain, lack specifications, and/or require technology which I am not familiar with. I get some s...

Why is short project lifetime and other situation-specific reasons used to excuse crappy code?

Every now and then (including on SO) people say things implying that "if the project is short lived you can leave obvious defects there" or "that memory leak only accounts for 100 bytes per whole program lifetime and could be left". Now in my practice I always reuse company-owned code to the greatest extent I can. Like if I need somethi...

How to design a user user interface for high latency conditions?

Hi all, Working on an application that controls a remote robot where there is the potential for significant delay between pressing a button and that action actually happening. Furthermore, there is the potential that the command did not successfully reach the intended recipient after all (due to network unreliability, etc.). Additional...

How to handle management trying to interfere with the project (including architecture decision)

I feel this is not a very good question to post on SO, but I need some advice from experienced developers... (I'm a second year developer) I guess this is a problem to many, many projects, but in our case, it is getting intense. There were very strong interference from the management, that our development was severely impacted. Now ...

Distinguishable characters?

I have a bunch of items in my database. Each is assigned a unique ID. I want to shorten this ID and display it on the page, so that if I user needs to contact us (over the phone) regarding a particular item, he can give us the shortened ID, rather than a really big number. Similar to the SKU, on sites like NCIX. Thus, I was thinking abou...

1 Hour for Human Factors and Usability

I have volunteered to give a one hour lunchtime briefing at my workplace to our user experience team. I have a passion and love for human factors and user interface design and have had my hand in it for entire (albeit short) career. The problem I am having is it has been very difficult for me to decide how to focus this discussion so t...

Does being a good programmer imply not being totally dumb?

I can say of myself that I am a relatively good programmer - I know what (not) to do and why, understand the logic behind pointers in compiled languages, know how to avoid memory leaks, and I can write simple interpreters for simple programming languages - general stuff. Yet I wonder, because I usually fail at number rows and "What's th...

Lambda notation and logical comparisons

The lambda notation x => x.MyProperty is easily confused, by some humans, with greater than or equal to. Ie if (x => y) ... the question is: Does the compiler ever confuse these? Ie, should one adopt a convention whereby greater than or equal to is always coded as: if (x >= y) ... I guess the compiler can distinguish between ...