
iPhone SDK: Programmatically change IBAction

Is there a way I can programmatically change the IBAction of a UIButton? I know I can just create two buttons and use button.hidden = BOOL, but I'd much rather just change the IBAction itself. ...

IBAction methods declared in a Protocol are not visible in Interface Builder

Hi, I have defined an objective-c protocol that declares a method that is tagged with IBAction. I implemented a UIViewController that implements the protocol. In Interface Builder I created a nib file with the UIViewController as the file's owner. However the protocol method is not visible under the Received Actions section although it...

Objective-C iPhone - Delegating an IBAction from one class to another? Can this be Done?

Hello fellow coders, I have created a class, that makes it easy to enter in the amount for a particular price in the same way an ATM machine allows you to enter in an amount, user does not enter the decimal. This is a generic class called (AmountPicker), so that it can be used among many other classes. I am using it by invoking the pre...

iPhone: IBAction Causes "Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance" Error

I'm working on my first real iPhone app, a simple To-Do list application to help me organize stuff, except I'm getting an "unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x". Specifically: 2010-02-20 14:30:09.200 ToDoApp[88562:20b] *** -[NSCFDictionary switchViews:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x3d22de0 2010-02-20 14:30:09.201 ToD...

Programatically generating UIButtons and associate those with IBAction

Hello, How do I do if I want to programatically generate a set of buttons and then associate those with IBActions? It's easy if I add the buttons in Interface Builder, but that I cannot do for this case. Thanks in advance! ...

I want to change the view controller when a button it's pressed iphone

Hi, I have a table view controller with custom cells. In those cells i added a button for each one of the cells. What i would like it's that when I press that button it display a new view with more information about that cell, different of the view that i get from didSelectRowAtIndexPath. I know it's now a hard question. I've seen tha...

uitextview and sqlite3

Hi guys, i would like to know whether is it possible to save the edited text in UITextView to sqlite3 by using a button?if so is there anywhere i can find the easiest way to do it?been googling but in vain.. ...

'NSInvalidArgumentException' UIButton IBAction Error

Hi, I have a button in a view which refuses to work. I've got in working in a blank, default view application from X-Code, but in none of my applications will it work, instead it gives me the following error. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '* -[UIViewController showVicInfo:]: ...

Using Interface Builder efficiently

I am new to iPhone and objective c. I have spent hours and hours and hours reading documents and trying to understand how things work. I have RTFM or at least am in the process. My main problem is that I want to understand how to specify where an event gets passed to and the only way I have been able to do it is by specifying delegates ...

In Cocoa, why won't a textfield be shown until after the IBAction is completely executed?

I have an IBAction with some simple code inside: -(IBAction)change:(id)sender { [textfield setHidden:NO]; [self dolengthyaction]; } 'textfield' is an NSTextField in a nib file, and -'dolengthyaction' is a function that takes about a minute to finish executing. My question is: Why isn't the textfield shown until AFTER "dolengt...

UIImageView Animation Question

Is it possible to run an NSArray UIImageView Animation that plays pictures 1 through 5 only once, plays pictures 5 through 7 on repeat over and over (while holding down IBAction button) then when button is released it plays 7-10 only once? ...

IBAction UIButton and EXC_BAD_ACCESS

in .h file I write -(IBAction)openShuffleForm; and .m -(IBAction)openShuffleForm{ NSLog(@"XXXXXXX"); } and connect with even touch up inside but when I run my program it error show this message -[UITouchData openShuffleForm]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x391cc20 ** what happen I don't know why !? ...

When my UIViewController accesses an NSArray in my AppDelegate from an IBAction it crashes the program

I have a couple UIViewControllers that I am trying to access an array inside my AppDelegate. When I use an IBAction UIButton and in that method I access my AppDelegate my program dies silently. Nothing in output or the debugger, it just stops. If I run it several times I can see that it is failing to access the array properly. To invest...

UITextfield is becoming focused after UIButton pressed

I have a UITextfield for entering text. A button triggers a functionality. After completion of the IBAction the UITextfield is getting focused again. After the IBAction I want to keyboard to disappear. What happends now is that due to the IBAction of the button, the keyboards disappears (I'm showing a UIAlert) and after the IBAction the ...

Getting around IBActions limited scope

Hello, I have an NSCollectionView and the view is an NSBox with a label and an NSButton. I want a double click or a click of the NSButton to tell the controller to perform an action with the represented object of the NSCollectionViewItem. The Item View is has been subclassed, the code is as follows: #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #import "Wiz...

What's the best way to call an IBAction from within code?

Say for instance I have an IBAction that is hooked up to a button in interface builder. - (IBAction)functionToBeCalled:(id)sender { // do something here } Within my code, say for instance in another method, what is the best way to call that IBAction? If I try to call it like this, I receive an error: [self functionToBeCalle...

iPhone: “Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance” Error

I’m trying to implement a partial overlay modal in my app with the code from “Semi-Modal (Transparent) Dialogs on the iPhone” at ramin.firoozye.com. The overlay functionality works and it slides the modal into view, but calling any IBAction from the modal's controller causes an “Unrecognized Selector Sent to Instance” crash. I recreated...

Using an IBAction method when it is not called from an action?

Are there any issues when using IBAction when it is not actually called from a user's action? If you have an action like -(IBAction)sayHello:(id)sender; You can call it from within your class like: [self sayHello:@"x"] The @"x" doesn't do anything, it just fills in for the sender. You can actually create an IBAction method withou...

iPhone SDK/General Xcode question.

In the iPhone SDK, in my .n, I can say: -(IBOutlet) UITextField *MyNameIs; -(IBOutlet) UILabel *DisplayMyNameIsHere; } -(IBAction)PressButtonToDisplayYourName; Then in my .m, I'll do: -(IBAction)PressButtonToDisplayYourName { DisplayMyNameIsHere = MyNameIs.text; } But now how would I translate that to making a Mac applicatio...

how to create a IB action for a image view

i have a image ,i want to launch url when i press that logo or image ,how to implement ib action for that image view ... can any one give suggestion i selected image view in ib to place my logo is it right? ...