
"Unsupported Image Type" exception in only few images...

In my java-swing project. I have one frame in which user can drop the images and save that images in database. Now this work perfectly but their are some images which is not showing. This are images Image 1 , Images 2 which is not supporting .. this are some images which are not reading... and its showing me exception, like javax.imag...

What is the best algorithm to locate a point in an image file?

Hi all, I want to create a mark sheet recognizer. Here is the description: My system uses black and white color scheme. The mark sheet paper has a small black rectangle on each corner and an additional small black rectangle, to determine orientation, near one of the previous rectangles. The paper is scanned to yield an image (in bmp f...

Inverting an affine transform-- how do I update the center coordinate?

Hi all, So I have a 3D image that's getting transformed into a space via an affine transform. That transform is composed of the traditional 4x4 matrix plus a center coordinate about which the transform is performed. How can I invert that center point in order to go back into the original space? I have the coordinate, but its a 1x3 ve...

Matrix of the diagonal sobel operator of size 3x3

What is the matrix of sobel operator of size 3x3 if the operator is said to be diagonal (Left or right diagonal)? EDIT: or may be with more bigger size ...

Determining which are the text and graphic regions in an image

I dont know whether should I post this question here or not? But if someone knows it, please answer? What are the algorithms for determining which region in an image is text and which one is graphic? Means how to separate such regions? (figure or diagram) ...

Dynamically Splitting Images

Does anyone know of a PHP routine where I can take an original image and split it in half to create two new images A and B? See below: Thanks ...

Workflow to resize and crop an image weighted on coordinate

Hi! I'm working on a resize and crop workflow to allow images to be resized and then cropped to a specific size. Normally one resize the smallest dimension to fit the destination size, and then crop to get eg. a square. However, in this case, I have some additional face-detection data: face_x, face_y and face_width and face_height. The...

Speeded-Up Robust Features SURF

Hi Guys, I'm implementing SURF algorithm and I'm referring to the Chris Evan's OpenSURF (Sorry, The link doesn't seem to work). In OpenSURF and in almost all the other SURF implementations I see that when Dxx and Dyy are computed a multiplying factor 3 is used(look at the code below). No where in the SURF paper or OpenSURF paper is it m...

Working with images in Scala

I am generating large PNG files from a Scala program. Currently, I am doing it the same way I would do it in java. I am creating a new BufferedImage and setting each pixel to the correct color. This works fine, but I am wondering if there are any good libraries for working with images in Scala? I am looking for something like Ruby's ...

haar transformation on an image

hello, i need some help with haar transformation, i have to apply it on an image. My math is bad, my english not all that awesome and i find it hard to understand from articles on the internet. I found this page where the haar transformation is applied on 2d matrix. I suppose if i give image pixe...

Comparison of images with matlab

hey I want to compare two images using matlab and display a message 'it is the same image' or.'sorry , it's not the same image' My program always displays 'it is the same image'. Mycode is: i1=imread('001_1_1.fig'); i2=imread('001_1_1.fig'); x1=edge(i1,'canny'); j1=imcrop(x1,[135 90 100 95]); x2=edge(i2,'canny'); g=0; xxx=1; yyy=1; ...

How to display a thumb image or first frame from a MP4 file using Delphi 7

Hi, I need to display a thumbnail preview of a folder full of MP4 files. So, is there a Delphi 7 component which extract a thumbnail image from MP4 files (if MP4 does contain a thumbnail image), or is there a Delphi 7 component which can extract the 1st frame from a MP4 file ? I need to extract it so I can save it to a .jpg or .png f...

Automatic tracking algorithm

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple tracking routine to track some points on a movie. Essentially I have a series of 100-frames-long movies, showing some bright spots on dark background. I have ~100-150 spots per frame, and they move over the course of the movie. I would like to track them, so I'm looking for some efficient (but ...

C++ - How could I do some operation on bmp file?

I am interesting to do some transformation, like change one color to another, count all used colors, and resize image. I DO NOT want to use any exist library, I would like write myslelf all code. Summing up: How could I open BMP file and change it? ...

Problem when calling local variable in GUI MATLAB

I'm getting this error: Error in ==> APP>pushbutton2_Callback at 109 img=imread(FileName) When I try to use FileName in pushbutton2_Callback I'm getting the error mentioned FileName is variable in pushbutton1_Callback. ...

What is a good way of Enhancing contrast of color images?

I split color image for 3 channels and made a contrast enhancement of each channel. Then merged them together, I like the image at the result, but it has different colors. Black objects became yellow and so on... EDIT: The algorithm I used is to calculate the 5th percentile and the 95th percentile as min and max values, and then expan...

How do I correctly rotate an image with

I want to rotate an image with I used TranslateTransform and RotateTransform. After rotation, the image is damaged. How can I solve this problem? ...

Type, size, dimensions of an image in matlab

hi, I want to retrieve Type, size, dimensions of an image in matlab. ...

How does an unsharp mask work?

I've been playing around with image processing lately, and I'd like to know how the unsharp mask algorithm works. I'm looking at the source code for Gimp and it's implementation, but so far I'm still in the dark about how it actually works. I need to implement it for a project I'm working on, but I'd like to actually understand the alg...

Sobel Edge Detection in Android

As part of an application that I'm developing for Android I'd like to show the user an edge-detected version of an image they have taken (something similar to the example below). To achieve this I've been looking at the Sobel operator and how to implement it in Java. However, many of the examples that I've found make use of objects an...