
How to keep/favor certain pixel values when resizing a tall BufferedImage?

I have a BufferedImage which is quite tall (something like 1100 pixels height) and not especially wide (maybe 200-300 pixels). The image consists of a data plot, but most of the pixels represents a background color/value that's not really interesting. My problem is that when the image is resized from a height of 1100 px to something like...

Anyone know how to read a pixel translation (pixtiff compression)?

I'm trying to read a TIFF file that has an ANN file associated with it. The tiff does not open with standard viewers. When I open the binary ANN file, the only sense I can make of it is that it was created with software from Pixel Translations Inc., in a PIXTIFF format. Does anyone know how I can view this file manually or programmatica...

Finding blank regions in image

This question is somewhat language-agnostic, but my tool of choice happens to be a numpy array. What I am doing is taking the difference of two images via PIL: img = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2) And I want to find the rectangular regions that contain changes from one picture to another. Of course there's the built in .getbbox() ...

Rounding text on the X and Z cartesian coordinates

Hello, For an online shop that allows engraving, I want to generate a preview for the customers of their engraving. Some of the products are round so I have to round the engraving text as well, however I am clueless on how to achieve this. This is a good example of what kind text effect I'm after, note that at this moment I'm not inte...

PIL: Composite / merge two images as "Dodge"

How do I use PIL to implement the equivalent of merging a layer in "dodge" mode with another layer (as done in Gimp/Photoshop)? I have my original image as well as the image I'd like to use as the layer to merge with, but I don't how to do the dodge merge/composite: from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps img = ...

I need help compensating for the shifting of images when trying to create a grid with one image and apply it on another.

Hi I have two images of yeast plates: Permissive: Xgal: The to images should be in the same spot and roughly the same size. I am trying to use one of the images to generate a grid and then apply that grid to the other image. The grid is made by looking at the colonies on permissive plate, the plate should have 1536 colonies on it....

OpenCV Template Matching

I am preparing a sample by using OpenCV cvMatchTemplate(); function and I want to find all templates that's max. loc. upper than 0.40 with CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED method. I mean I want to find all templates which match. I find only the best match template but I want to find all of them. I hope I explained what I want. Thanks. ...

Image lost transparent effect when stored in Table

Hi friends. I want store the image in SQL server table, and I successed but when I retrive that image on page, I found that the image has lost its transparency. The origional image is png/gif. I have resized that image in 100px / 100px. I have used following code to resixe the image. It works but when it stores image in database it los...

How to calculate coordinates of center of image from an aerial camera whose FOV, attitude and position are given

I have a problem that involves a UAV flying with a camera mounted below it. Following information is provided: GPS Location of the UAV in Lat/Long GPS Height of the UAV in meters Attitude of the UAV i.e. roll, pitch, and yaw in degrees Field of View (FOV) of the camera in degrees Elevation of the camera w.r.t UAV in degrees Azimuth of ...

problem displaying image after capturing through camera?

I am using following code to capture image through camera and then displaying it. The problem , I am facing is when i take picture and press done button it does not display that taken image in my activity. It just shows blank image field. Any one guide me what mistake am i doing? might be path related issue but I am not sure. protect...

"Warped" version of an image processing function

I am writing an implementing of Karl Sim's technique for evolving pictures and textures with genetic programming (, but I'm not sure what his "warped" image processing function do. In the paper he says: "The warped versions of functions take (U,V) coordinates as arguments instead of using gl...

Alternatives to Matlab's Image Processing Toolkit

Are there any comprehensive open-source alternatives to Matlab's Image Processing Toolkit? ...

What is an inverse mapping function in image processing?

Does anyone know what an inverse mapping function is in image processing? The paper I am reading describes image processing functions that "take input coordinates as arguments instead of pixel coordinates, allowing the result to be distorted by an arbitrary inverse mapping function." ...

Reading Canon CR2 raw image files in .NET

Are there any free-to-use libraries for .NET so that I can read Canon's raw format, CR2, into my image processing application, retaining the full color depth? I believe it is a linear 14-bit/channel integer format, however some processing is required due to the layout of the image sensor array. I don't want it in crappy 8-bit/channel pr...

Scaling a number between two values

If I am given a floating point number but do not know beforehand what range the number will be in, is it possible to scale that number in some meaningful way to be in another range? I am thinking of checking to see if the number is in the range 0<=x<=1 and if not scale it to that range and then scale it to my final range. This previous p...

Very big QImage and Memory Mapped Files in QT

I want bind QImage to the MMF file to manipulate the image without the cost of memory directly on the disc. Unfortunately, my code creates a copy in memory. QFile file("Boston City Flow.jpg"); if(! QMessageBox::information(this, "Error", "Error"); qint64 size = file.size(); unsigned char *mmf = fil...

iPhone: AVCaptureSession capture output crashing (AVCaptureVideoDataOutput)

I'm capturing video and converting it to a CGImage to do processing on it. It will work for a ~10 seconds, get memory warning and then crash (usually it says data formatters were temporarily unavailable). Can someone help me solve the problem? - (void) captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferR...

Image manipulation in C#

Hi, I am loading a JPG image from hard disk into a byte[]. Is there a way to resize the image (reduce resolution) without the need to put it in a Bitmap object? thanks ...

Combining animation frames to save space

I'm working on a project that uses a lot of graphics files. We've got about 500 60x60 PNG files making up several different animations (about 80), and taking up about 2MB of space. In the code, I just draw each frame one by one to render an animation. As an example, one of the animations is made up of 3 frames, each about 4 KB in size...

Getting Height and Width of Image in Java without an ImageObserver.

Hi everyone, I am trying to get the heigh and width of images (via a url) in Java without an ImageObserver. My current code is: public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub File xmlImages = new File("C:\\images.xml"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new F...