init- descends dirtree for python, but not from c++; causes "import matplotlib" error.

Why or how does the file cause the python interpreter to search subdirectories for a module -- and why does the interpreter not honor this convention when invoked from C++? Here's what I know: Using strace on my program, I can see that the same python2.5 interpreter is being executed for both the interactive case and the ...

Python __init__ issue: unbound method __init__() must be called with Bank instance as first argument (got int instance instead)

class Teller(object): def __init__(self): self.occupied = False self.timeLeft = 0 self.totTime def occupy(self, timeOcc): self.occupied = True self.timeLeft = timeOcc def nextMin(self): self.timeLeft -= 1 self.totTime += 1 if self.timeLeft == 0: sel...

Need help understanding "TypeError: default __new__ takes no parameters" error in python

For some reason I am having trouble getting my head around __init__ and __new__. I have a bunch of code that runs fine from the terminal, but when I load it as a plugin for Google Quick Search Box, I get the error TypeError: default __new__ takes no parameters. I have been reading about the error, and it's kind of making my brain spin. ...