
django inner join query

I am working with django and having a hard time grasping how to do complex queries Here is my model class TankJournal(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) tank = models.ForeignKey(TankProfile) ts = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) title = models.CharField(max_length=50) body = models.TextField() cla...

Why cant we have static method in an inner class?

hi why cant we have static method in an inner class and if i make inner class static it works why so ...

Right join a table twice to a second table with each alias inner joined to to a third table's two aliases

Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Here is what I'm trying to do and my problem. I have 3 tables. assets (a computer, network device, etc) ports (a port on the computer, network device, etc) port_connections (has a port_id_a and port_id_b field and links each port and therefor each asset together) It's really just a way to track v...

Gridview : Row number for Inner grid

Hi All, In my page im using gridview to display records. Each row having record in the inner grid. i want to display row number for the inner grid, for each row inner grid row number should start with 1.pls help me It's a Web application (.NET 2008 , .NET 3.5 + C#) ...

Linq inner join grouping

I'm trying to create an expression tree dynamicly. Let asume that I have two simple classes: class CustomerType { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public OrderType[] Orders { get; set; } } class OrderType { public int Id { get; set; } public DateTime Date { get; set; } public decimal Pric...

mysql: How to INNER JOIN a table but limit join to 1 result with the highest vote or count?

I have 2 tables. One is items and another is votes for those items. Items table has: |item_id|name|post_date Votes table has: |votes_id|item_id|answer|total_yes|total_no What I want to do is show all items based on post_date and show the answer in the votes table with the HIGHEST total_yes. So I want to show only a SINGLE answer from ...

Inner Interfaces?

I'm pretty new to Java and I don't understand what is this structure. I know what is an interface and how is defined, but in this case, I really don't know. Could you tell what is about? public interface WebConstants { public interface Framework { String ACTION = "action"; } public interface Look { String LI...

Is there a way to get the function a decorator has wrapped?

Suppose I have @someDecorator def func(): '''this function does something''' print 1 Now, the object func is an instance of someDecorator. Is there some way I can access the function it holds, i.e something like func.getInnerFunction(). For instance, if I need to retrieve the doc string of func(). ...

postgreSQL inner join

i have sql query select * from "Roles" Join "Users" On "Roles".Role="Users".RoleId it return error column Roles.role does not exist query select * from "Roles" Join "Users" On Roles.Role=Users.RoleId return error missing FROM-clause entry for table "roles" how can i solve this problem? i aways work with ms sql ...

innerHTML not working

Hello, I'm using document.nodeName.innerHTML to change the content of a particular node. It is not working in my case. Can someone please let me know where I've went wrong.Thanks in advance. Please find the below code. On click of a link, I need to change the text of that link. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//E...

MYSQL Inner Join with 2 ON Clauses

I am trying to setup a simple database in which I have a user and store both their residential and postal address. I have 2 tables Users id (Primary Key) name (Varchar 255) residential_id (foreign key) postal_id (foreign key) Address id (primary key) type (enum of R and P) street (varchar 255) suburb (varchar 255) I am tring ...

Python nested classes scope

Im trying to understand scope in nested classes in python. Here is my example code : class OuterClass: outer_var = 1 class InnerClass: inner_var = outer_var The creation of class does not complete and I get the error : <type 'exceptions.NameError'>: name 'outer_var' is not defined trying inner_var = Outerclass...

Outer Java class is able to access inner class private members?

I observed that Outer classes can access inner classes private instance variables. How is this possible? A sample code demonstrating the same is explained below:: class ABC{ class XYZ{ private int x=10; } public static void main(String... args){ ABC.XYZ xx = new ABC().new XYZ(); System.out.println("H...


Im trying to join a user table to retrieve the users login name. I wish to have TWO INNER joins one for CreatedByUser_loginname and ModifiedByUser_loginname But at the moment Im just trying to get the SQL query string syntax right. BUT, When I change the name of the INNER JOIN with an AS 'name' I get an exception thrown when sqlreader()...

multiple innerjoins with linq

I've got the following sql statement and need to know how to write it in linq, but i can't figure out how to write the multiple inner joins SELECT Zugehörigkeiten.PK_Dept_ID FROM mitarbeiter INNER JOIN (abteilungen INNER JOIN Zugehoerigkeiten ON abteilungen.PK_Dept_ID = Zugehoerigkeiten.PK_Dept_ID) ON mitarbeiter...

'this' keyword refers to what object within an a function inside another function?

Hi, Basically I am trying to understand and learn the 'this' keyword's working principle in JavaScript. As far as I understand 'this' refers to the object (function) that it is inside at that moment. So, by believing this, I wanted to test the output of the simple code below: <body> <input type="button" value="Add Age" onclick="Ou...

Inner shadow in Core Graphics

I want to do something similar to Photoshops inner shadow effect in Core Graphics. If I draw/fill a path with this effect, I want get something similar to the following: ...

SubSonic inner join mystery

I've have 2 tables CampaignCoverage and Coverage CampaignCoverage has a CoverageID column. Coverage has a column DateX. Basically I've not specified in the code that CampaignCoverage.CoverageID = Coverage.ID like you would to in SQL. How does this work at all????!!!! CampaignCoverageCollection campaignCoverages = new Select() ...

java inner/outer class questions about outer class private variables access

Hi, I have the following java class: class Outer { private Integer a; private Long b; class Inner { public void foo() { System.out.println("a and b are " + a + " " + b); } } } when I run javap on Outer and Outer$Inner, I get the following: C:\test>javap Outer Compiled from "Ou...

can we create the object of inner class in the constructor of outer class?

Can we create the object of inner class in the constructor of outer class? ...