
Converting a Jpeg into an uncompressed tiff image

Hello I found this code on StackOverflow import; import; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder; import; import; import

Qt: show image on widget

i want to display a car photo. after loading, user can move the car by pressing keys on keyboard. when he press "up arrow", car will move upwards. which methos should i use to show the photo. Qlabel.setpixmap?? The code below shows the image on a new widget, but i want to show it on my mainwindow page. What should i do? Thank you void...

PHP echoing jpeg image fails, but writing same image to file works great. Why?

I have a function in PHP that calls curl to retrieve an image. When I print that to a file and examine it in the browser, the image looks great. When I use "echo" of the curl results as the return value from my PHP script, the browser shows the broken-image icon (see an example of that icon:

how to convert (jpg+mp3) into mp4 or mp4 into (jpg+mp3) in xcode programming

hi everyone, Is is possible to convert (jpg+mp3) into mp4 or mp4 into (jpg+mp3) in xcode programming? The file type is not necessary to be jpg or mp3, it could be any possible photo file type like jpg, png or bmp, and could be any possible audio file type like wav, caf or mp3. Coud anyone give me a sample code or the reference documents...

The are any CMYK graphics library?

I'm looking for graphics library with CMYK support(JPG or TIF). I have to read one big image file and one small, then write second on first. Output have to be also CMYK(without any CMYK->RGB conversion). There are any? (C#/C++/Java or somthing else) ...

C - Convert GIF to JPG

Hi all! I need to convert a GIF image to Jpeg image using C programming language. I searched the web, but I didn't find an example which could help me. Any suggestion are appreciated! EDIT: I want to do this using an cross-platform open-source library like SDL. ...

Getting JPEG resolution without decoding the image

Hi. I am trying to get the resolution of a JPEG image without decoding the file. I got several samples from internet but none is working properly. It seems to be this way because many JPEG files are not standard, though any graphic application (Irfan, PSP, Firefox etc) can open them. The header of a JPEG was supposed to be: typedef str...

ActionScript 3.0

Hi . Can give an example of how to send jpg and some texts from flash to php in ONE CLICK ? I`m realy annoyed of that .. ...

ASP.NET master page logo renders last and takes a while to load

My web app uses a master page which contains an 8k jpg of the company logo. Whenever I load a page or do a refresh, all of the non-master page html renders first, then the master page logo is shown, pushing all the html down a few lines. It's very annoying. Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening? ...