
Jquery UI Date Picker... only allow Fridays?

I want to only allow users to select Fridays. Basically they are choosing the start date for a schedule, and the schedules always must start on a Friday. I am not really concerned with whether the other days are displayed or not as long as if they are displayed, then they are disabled. ...

jquery slider start at top?

Hello, I know you can make the slider go vertical, but is there a way to start it at the top and make it go to the bottom rather then the bottom and going to the top? Regards, ...

Serialize jquery sortable

Hello all, I have been digging around on this site and googling for a while now and I cannot find a good solution to my problem. I would like to be able to save the state of my jquery portlets on a page. I would rather not have a "save state" button if I can avoid it. Anyway, I just have the jquery code copied from their portlet examp...

Why does jQuery slide right or left overshoots the final left position the re-adjust?

I created a hidden DIV panel with form fields in it. I setup an icon on a nav bar on the right side of the page. When clicking on that icon, I perform a show('slide', { direction: right }, 2000). Although the animation starts properly, jQuery overshoots the left boundary then eventually reposition the panel correctly. Why does this happ...

problem with jquery ui`s autocomplete select callback (1.8)

With this code: function setupRow(event, ui) { var textbox, // how do i get to the textbox that triggered this? from there // on i can find these neighbours: hiddenField = textbox.next(), select = textbox.parents('tr').find('select'); textbox.val(ui.item.Name); hiddenField.val(ui.item.Id...

Please explain this jQuery

Perhaps my last question (now deleted) was misunderstood so I'm reposting it with more clarity this time: jQuery(UI): $("#tabs").tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { alert(ui.panel.id); $('input[name=myinput], textarea[name=myinput]').attr('disabled', true); $('input[name=myinput].' + ui.panel.id + ', texta...

jQuery dynamically added class does not fire

<a href="#" class='gbutton yen_form' rel="overlay-box1">Next</a> $('yen_form').click(function(){ //some validations done here $(this).addClass('overlay'); }); $('overlay').click(function(){ //overlay appears }) First function fires correctly but the second 'overlay' class function does not fired at all. If I added overlay to th...

how to calculate height of elements inside a div in jquery ?

I have a div which contains number of elements which user can drag and drop to rearrange inside. Also, he can add new elements from tool bar. I want to increase height of outer div to wrap all those elements. Now they overlap on footer. The challenges I fighting with are - 1. How to find elements which are placed below other. All the el...

jQuery dynamic tabs - animating borderTopColor breaks css

I am using jQuery dynamic tabs. I have the following set up for hover and selected effects: /* normal tab */ .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 3px; border-top-color: #fff; } /* hover tab */ .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li:hover { border-top-color: #f00; } /* selected tab */ .ui-tabs .ui-t...

Problem with jQuery resizable inside iframe

I have a first page. Where is a link which open jQuery Dialog with iframe with second page inside. There is a resizable textarea inside second page. Actually the textarea resizable only when I open the second page strictly without iframe, but it's not resizable inside iframe. How can it be fixed? UPD: This is my html code from first p...

JQuery: How determine child ordinal position? Need: $("#parent").ordinalChild('#some-child') => 3 (say)

Because Jquery UI tab doesn't support passing id selector to remove() tab method, and no method exists to map id to index, I have to painfully "jump hoops" to determine the index of the tab I wish to remove. I just searched the documentation for JQuery and wasn't able to find a utility method to return an integer of the ordinal positi...

jQuery UI with asp.net Master Page

I am updating one of my sites from asp.net with jQuery UI to use master pages. Here is a snippet of my original code, which works w/out master pages, but not with: $('#myCancelEventDialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 500, buttons: { "Cancel This Event": function () { __doPostBack('btnCancel...

dynamically add multiple jquery ui datepickers to page

Hello, I have a form that initially loads with one date picker from the jquery-ui. A user can then click on add to add more dates. These new date fields should append to the DOM, but apparently don't. I know I need or should use .live() or .bind() but I am having some trouble on the best way to do this. Below is the code I have. Thank...

Change URL of an already created Jquery UI Tab (via select menu)

Okay, so pretty much I'm banging my head up against a wall right now. I'm making a form that is spread across three tabs. Basically you would select an employee at the right and their information would be populated to the left in three tabs. Each tab has a different form. I am working with coldfusion and I tried using CFLAYOUT + CFDIV,...

cache problem jquery

I have a fancybox, and for some reason it gets cached. My current problem is layout this way. I have main index page, where I have a link. Clicking on the link open the jquery fancybox. The fancybox is actually opening the page called data.php. That page has a drop down that is populated through the database column. So when I change some...

How to use jQuery to set value on screen rather than use alert?

I am using the code that I will post below. I generates the password and works fine. Only problem is that it shows me the regenerated password in the alert box. I want to echo it on the screen. how can I do that. Thanks Using jQuery fancybox and php $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/processPassword.php', data: 'newPass...

In jQuery, how do you make a mousedown() event trigger a resizeable box feature?

In jQuery, how do you make a mousedown() event trigger a resizeable box feature? A similar idea is cropping. You click on the picture and drag your mouse and it creates a box to the size of your choosing. $("div").mousedown().resizeable(); or $("div").mousedown(function(){ $("div").resizeable()} ...

How to derive a custom widget from jquery-ui dialog

I want to build a jquery-ui widget and I am unsure of the best way to approach this. The widget will manage the sate of some data that is hosted inside of a jquery-ui dialog. Should I build a custom widget, in the widget create function add some elements to the widget target and then call the dialog widget on my widgets target. Or Is...

how to insert an image on drop in a paragraph in jquery

I want to add an image after I drop it into a paragraph. I could add the image into the paragraph, but I want it to be dropped either before the first line of the paragraph starts or after it ends, because I want it to have the text floated properly around it. I'm trying this code: $('.textElementClass').droppable({ accept: '.imageE...

Draggable UI in jQuery

Hello All, I am currently working on a project where I need to go for draggable elements. There will be list of options e.g. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday... Saturday. Here user will be selecting any of them, say Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday. I need to display them in such a way the user can realign them in any Order. E.g Sunday Saturday Wed...