
Problem with using UIWebview in landscape mode

Hi All! i am facing a problem with UIwebview in landscape mode. in landscape mode the touche event works only 320x320. its not working on entire screen in UIwebview! ...

iPhone - Landscape Only App

Hello all! I am trying to make an app that will only be viewed in Landscape. I have looked up some tutorials (albeit older ones) and have done the following: -set up the info.plist to include a key for uiinterfaceorientation -in the main view controller I have set the frame to be 480 x 320 Now, the first screen loads up ok. Everythi...

iPhone landscape navigation back action shows vertical view transition?

I have a regular UINavigationController and I push a series of UIViewController into the stack. The view transition for push controller is horizontal animation transition: [self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES]; However, when I press the Back button on the navigation bar, the view transition animation is...

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions

There has been a lot of confusion and a set of corresponding set of questions here on SO how iPhone applications with proper handling for Landscape/Portrait mode autorotation can be implemented. It is especially difficult to implement such an application when starting in landscape mode is desired. The most common observed effect are scra...

Inactive area after device rotation

Hi all, I don't understand what's wrong in my very simple application with device rotation : I built my view with interface builder. (See screen capture here) I specified <key>UIInterfaceOrientation</key><string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string> in my info.plist file. I had a (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(U...

UIViewAnimationTransition and landscape

Hi! I'm having a problem with UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp and landscape mode. In my landscape application I have a view controller that manages two fullscreen views. In the controller I have a container view for the transitions. To switch between the two views, I use a curled transition but the animation is performed as if it were ...

play video landscape Iphone sdk 3.2 4.0 with standard api

how to play video landscape with standard api? video play only portrait !!! change the app orientation landscape is not useful, because video start portrait forever. i have a portrait app with a button, when pressed video must play landscape. yourmoviecontrollername setOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait animated:NO]; is not al...

MPMoviePlayerViewController on iPad view Landscape

Hi all! I have a view and a MPMoviePlayerViewController.. the iPad is oriented in landscape left mode, but when I play the video, the video is good to see in portrait mode... is there a way to force movieplayer to rotate in landscape mode? thanks in advance ...

Allow only LeftLandscape and RightLandscape orientation

Hi all! How can I made my app to allow only the landscape orientation but both (left and right)? so if I rotate 180° the app will be rotate but if I rotate in portrait the app doesn't rotate? thanks ...

iPhone: Tab Bar App rotate to landscape and remove tabs

I have a tab bar app that I would only like to allow rotating to landscape in one of the tabs. Currently, it does not rotate. Is there a configuration option that allows it to change to landscape when I rotate the display? ...

iPad Frame programmatically doesn't match with IB???

Hi everyone, I'm trying to draw 2 UITableViews programmatically on a landscape iPad. I drew it first in IB to get the values for x, y, width and height from inspector, then programmatically i create CGRects with this parameters, but the final result is not what I saw in IB. what units uses CGRecktMake to measure the frame? The UITable...

iphone os 4 sdk landscape orientation problem

Hi, My application has a tab bar controller with a navigation controller in each of its tabs . The application is completely Landscape oriented. But when I try to run in iPhone OS 4, it is not changing to landscape at all. Any suggestions please? ...

Problem switching between portrait mode and landscape mode for a table

Hello, I have a UIViewController that inherits all the delegation for the UITable. I have a UITableView called table that is set in my simple_tableViewController.h. I have set - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } but the main view rotates but the table does ...

Iphone: Cannot switch back from my landscape view to a portrait view

Hello, I am working on an app (my first one), which is basically a TabBar app. To be more precise there are: - a login view controller - a tab bar controller (when login is done) - a landscape view controller that is used when the first itel of the TabBar is switch from Portrait to Landscape. So, when I am in the first tab, I need to ...

UISliders and UIButton stop working in landscape mode

Hi all, I can't seem to find anyone who's had a similar problem so hopefully someone on here can help me with what might be a very obvious problem. Basically my program currently has a bunch of UISliders, UIButtons, and text boxes in it. Although I laid out all of this in landscape (I plan on having this view work only in land scape, o...

how do I play fullscreen landscape movie on iOS4 in a portrait application?

Hi The problem is the following: I have an application in which all viewcontrollers are portrait only 9typical tabbar/navigation app), but I would like to play a move in fullscreen landscape mode. This seems impossible in iOS4 ... The best I could come up with was to add the mpmoviecontroller view to my parent view and rotate it by ha...

Android Change orientation on deviceanywhere

How can I change the orientation to landscape while testing the app on deviceanywhere? I tried to right-click on the device, and click on Controls -> Turn left, that turned the phone, but my app did not orient to landscape. My app works well for rotation on the actual device. Thanks Chris ...

iphone sdk: how to correctly switch controller

hello, I am struggling with my app for a couple of days now and there are some things I am not sure to do correctly. I have an app with a login view controller, a tab bar view controller and a landscape view controller that should only be used when the first tab is in landscape mode. I have added those 3 controllers as attributes of the ...

Switch from XIBs with only one ViewController

Hello, i'm trying to crete an App that works in potrait and landscape mode, with ONLY ONE ViewController. So i've 2 file XIB... how can i select one of them from the ViewController? I've already found how to check if the device is in potrait or landscape mode but i can't switch between the 2 XIBs... :( Please help me! Thanks! ...

Landscape Printing from IE8

I have read, but my problem is more specific. And before I concede defeat and consider a different career, I thought I would post here. This is my situation: I am writing a timetabling display and printing program in HTML. The user clicks various options such as room, dates etc. An AJAX call...