
Illegal inheritance compilation error using Scala 2.7.7 and LIFT 1.1-SNAPSHOT

I am using JDK 1.6.0_16, and Scala 2.7.7, compiling with maven. I do mvn clean compile and I get four errors, but they are identical, in different models: [ERROR] C:\Users\owner\workspace\ResumeApp\src\main\scala\jblack\resumeapp\lift\ model\ContactInfoModel.scala:13: error: illegal inheritance; [INFO] self-type jblack...

lift CalendarMonthView sample fails with Lift 1.1-SNAPSHOT

A newbie scala/lift question: I checked out the CalendarMonthView sample: with Lift 1.1-M6 and it compiled and worked. When i tried to migrate the sample to Lift 1.1-SNAPSHOT the signature of AnonFunc seems to have ...

What type of webapp is the sweet spot for Scala's Lift framework?

What kind of applications are the sweet spot for Scala's lift web framework. My requirements: Ease of development and maintainability Ready for production purposes. i.e. good active online community, regular patches and updates for security and performance fixes etc. Framework should survive a few years. I don't want to write a app in...