
OnItemClickListener Problem.

Hi, i'm creating a lazy load of image in ListView. i was followed the tutorial from this source which i found in Stack Overflow It was run successful. But, when i join the code together with my project then i face a problem. the program was no perform the OnItemClickListener :( my project have a TabHost and it had 5 tab contents. 2 co...

XAML How to set IsEnabled on CheckBox in ListView with conditional.

I have a ListView with four columns ComputerName, IP, Status, UseMachine (String, String, String, Checkbox) I just want to disable the checkbox for the ListViewItem where Status = "Running" How can I do that? Here is the code I am using: <Window.Resources> <Style x:Key="ItemContStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}"> <Set...

android: styling ListView items from custom CursorAdapter

I have a custom CursorAdapter which I'm using to inflate a custom item layout and style accordingly, as shown in the code below. My issue is that sometimes the wrong style information is supplied even though the data coming from the DB is correct (so for the below example I'll get isEvent == true but it'll go on to style as if isEvent =...

Change Style of rows created by ListView in itemCreated event

Hi, When render a databound ListView I want to dynamically set the background colour of each row depending on the results, in my case Red, Orange and Green. protected void ListView1_ItemCreated(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e) { DataRow myRow; DataRowView myRowView; myRowView = (DataRowView)e....

Buggy ListView makes me sad

Hi, I have a ListView where I've defined the layout of each item in a separate XML file. In this file I've included a RatingBar and an EditText. I've programmatically created 7-8 items in this ListView. When I scroll through them, it seems to be quite buggy. Here are some examples: 1) If I set focus to the EditText in the first row...

Update database on CheckBox click in Android?

Here is my custom ListView item. The problem is that I want it to update my database whenever it is clicked. And to do that I need to get the row id of the ListItem of the CheckBox that was clicked. Also could you please post a code sample. ...

Out of control ListView

I'm having a problem with a ListActivity. I've extended ArrayAdapter and Overridden getView to fill in the data for each row. I throw some data from my Adapter's ArrayList into a TextView. My problem is, when I scroll, the TextView of each row populates with text that is not in its corresponding data in the ArrayList. What I mean is:...

Android CheckedTextView - Changing checked status on click

Hi all, I have a listview that needs to be multiple choice (i.e each list item has a checkbox which can be checked / unchecked) The list view is in a tabhost and is the content for teh first tab. My set up is like so: My tab is set up with: TabSpec tab = tabHost.newTabSpec("Services"); tabHost.addTab(tabHost.newTabSpec("tab_test1")....

Android ListView animation of views inside the adapter that got updated.

Hi, Im using ListView to to show some custom data, once data is updated in the adapter i call notifyDatasetChanged(), so the view will get updated, all of this works well, my issue though is i would like to run an animation once only on items that got changed when the adapter was updated. currently i keep a copy of all the changed object...

Is it possible to change size of the item in ListView?

I have a ListView with few items. Is it possible to change size of the selected item in the ListView. For example, I want to expand selected item to show some buttons. I appreciate you for help in advance. ...

notifyDataSetChanged() doesn't update ListView

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { deserializeQuotes(); quotesAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } My array clearly has been updated, and I can see the change when my app starts, but why doesn't it update in this metho...

Find Unique Identifier From Selected Item In ASP ListView

I'm using a ListView and have two buttons that allows users to delete or edit a item from the list. Below is the code for the buttons: <td> <asp:ImageButton ID="ButtonEdit" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Styles/Images/Edit.png" ToolTip="Edit" OnClick="ButtonEdit_Click" /> <asp:ImageButton ID="ButtonDelete" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/...

How to keep android listview highlighted?

if I click on a listview item i want to keep the highlight on it. how do i do this? ...

How to select the first item in a ListView by default

When my app loads, I want the first item in the listview to already be selected. how can I do this? ...

Is it possible to re-arrange items in a list view?

On the iPhone a user is able to re-arrange the actual rows in a list. Is this possible on Android? If so, any examples would be great. ...

WIndows Phone 7 - ListViewItem Class Problem

I have an app which was developed using WP7 developer CTP tools.Now I'm trying to run the same app but on WP7 beta tools. I have made all the changes needed for the above conversion as per Microsoft Release Notes It has mentioned that ListView and ListViewItem classes are removed from Microsoft.Phone.Controls namespace. Following is t...

C# listviewitem

I made a listviewitem. It's a list of files in chosen folder. I want to show what's in every file in another listview (these files contain tags and i want to show them in list). I used "Listviewitem.checked" or "listviewitem.selected" but it doesn't work. Why? oh, sorry, here is the code: AcrNemaFile file = null; foreach (string eleme...

How to use an image in a ListView from a database in Android?

I have a ListView: ... <ListView xmlns:android="" android:id="@id/android:list" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:drawSelectorOnTop="false" android:scrollingCache="true" android:fastScrollEnabled="true" android:choiceMode="singleChoic...

how to find if listview item is checked

User chose a folder of files. I'm making a listview of files in these folder. I want to display what each file contains,but i want to display it when user check a file from listviewitem. I'm using these code: if (listView1.Items[0].Checked == true) { //.... } Why it doesn't work? What should i want to use data from for example: bu...

Make highlight brush the same as control brush without specifying colour

I want to ensure that a selected ListViewItem's non-focused background is the same as the focused background. I know that the common way of doing this is as follows: <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey}" Color="Blue"/> <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.ControlBrushKey}" Color="Blue"/> However...