
How can I make log4perl output easier to read?

When using log4perl, the debug log layout that I'm using is : log4perl.appender.D10.layout=PatternLayout log4perl.appender.D10.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [pid=%P] %p %F{1} (%L) %M %m%n log4perl.appender.D10.Filter = DebugAndUp This produces very verbose debug logs, for example: 2008/11/26 11:57:28 [pid=25485] DEBUG SomeModule.pm (33...

How can I rotate and compress Log4perl log files?

From what I can tell neither Log4Perl or any of its related modules in CPAN supports rotate & compression of log files. Rotation can be accomplished by using: Log::Log4perl::Appender::File Log::Dispatch::FileRotate. But neither modules supports rotation and compression. (Log::Dispatch::FileRotate has it in its todo list, but it's n...

How can I suppress output to stdout and stderr in Log4perl?

I have this sub to initialize my logger: sub initLogfiles{ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($INFO); # We log all debug, info, warn, error and fatal messages. my $userlogappender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new( "Log::Log4perl::Appender::File", filename => USERLOGFILE, mode => "append", recreate => ...

Where is the Log4perl documentation for configuration?

I am new to the Perl and while doing with my new CR I stuck at the Perl code which is using Log4perl package. Already developed code is using this package and in the configuration file of this package has this configuration: log4perl.appender.Logfile.max = 2 log4perl.appender.Logfile.size = 10_000 log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Di...

How can I disable Log4perl output for a particular class?

I would like to use Log4perl in a project but disable it for a certain class (which is, in this case Net::Amazon). I thought this would be an easy one, but somehow I failed. I tried using use Log::Log4perl (:easy_init); use Net::Amazon; my $amz = Net::Amazon->new( ... ); my $log = Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG); $log = $log->get_log...

How can I log only the INFO level in Log4perl?

log4perl has a threshold option in the configuration file that will log all calls that level or higher. Is there an option of setting it log only one type of call? I want to only log calls of level "INFO". Thanks. ...

How can I catch Perl warnings into Log4perl logs?

Log4perl is a great tool for logging. The warnings pragma is also an essential tool. However, when Perl scripts are running as daemons, the Perl warnings, are printed into STDERR where nobody can see them, and not into the Log4perl log file of the relevant program. Is there a way to catch Perl warnings into the Log4perl log? For exa...

How can I report the line number with Log4perl and Moose?

Is it possible to get Log4perl to correctly display the line number and package/class of the log event instead of always Method::Delegation at line 99 when used with Moose? In my case, I have created an attribute isa Log::Log4perl::Logger and delegated the various logging levels to my class (log, warn, error, ...). Doing this also show...

Logging within utility classes

I want to adopt logging within several utility classes, e. g. DBI. What is the best practice to do it with Log::Log4perl? I think it is OK to subclass DBI (say, MyDBI) and override some methods there to make them do the logging. But there's a problem with categories. If you create a logger with Log::Log4perl->get_logger(ref $self || $s...

How can I tell if Log4perl emitted any warnings during a run?

I've been using Log4perl extensively in a number of scripts. I'd like to augment those scripts to set an error code if any WARN or ERROR messages have been logged. I couldn't find any obvious way to do this based on existing documentation. I'd like to avoid a brute-force rewrite of my existing scripts to add a check on every WARN or ER...

How do I make my Log::Log4perl logger work?

Here's the code I have: use strict; use warnings; use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); Log::Log4perl->init({ level => $DEBUG }); my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("my.logger"); my $appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new("Log::Log4perl::Appender::File",filename => "my.file"); $appender->layout(Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout->new); ...

Making self-logging modules with Log::Log4perl

Is there a way to use Log::Log4perl to make a smart self-logging module that logs its operations to a file even in the absence of the calling script not initializing Log4perl? As far as I can tell from the documentation, the only way to use Log4perl is to initialize it in the running script from a configuration, then modules implementing...

Log4Perl bundling logging from several programs into one log

Is there any Logger on CPAN which allows me to bundle logs from several programs into one file with synchronising parallel logging when two programs run the same time and call log4Perl in parallel. Background is that I use a custom appender which writes Emails and I would like to bundle all emails in a single file as a backup in case the...