
long to HWND (VS8 C++)

Hi, How can I cast long to HWND (C++ visual studio 8)? Long lWindowHandler; HWND oHwnd = (HWND)lWindowHandler; But I got the following warning: warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'LONG' to 'HWND' of greater size Thanks. ...

Best methodology for developing c# long running processor apps

I have several different c# worker applications that run various continuous tasks: sending emails from queue, importing new orders from website database to orders database, making database backups and restores, running data processing for OLTP -> OLAP, and other related tasks. Before, I released these as windows services, but currently I...

What is the proper size for a sequence-generated primary key?

Currently, primary keys in our system are 10 digits longs, just over the limit for Java Integers. I want to avoid any maintenance problems down the road caused by numeric overflow in these keys, but at the same time I do not want to sacrifice much system performance to store infinitely large numbers that I will never need. How do you ha...

Why does addition of long variables cause concatenation?

What does Java do with long variables while performing addition? Wrong version 1: Vector speeds = ... //whatever, speeds.size() returns 2 long estimated = 1l; long time = speeds.size() + estimated; // time = 21; string concatenation?? Wrong version 2: Vector speeds = ... //whatever, speeds.size() returns 2 long estimated = 1l; long ...

standard way to convert to short path in .net

looking for the standard bug-proofed way to convert "long names" such as "C:\Documents and settings" to their equivalent "short names" "C:\DOCUME~1" I need this to run an external process from withing my C# app. It fails if I feed it with paths in the "long name". ...

How to handle arbitrarily large integers

I'm working on a programming language, and today I got the point where I could compile the factorial function(recursive), however due to the maximum size of an integer the largest I can get is factorial(12). What are some techniques for handling integers of an arbitrary maximum size. The language currently works by translating code to ...

Strange c# overflow error

Hi, Can someone explain me the reason of overflow in variable a? Note that b is bigger than a. static void Main(string[] args) { int i = 2; long a = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * i; long b = 12345678901234567; System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", a); System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", b); System.Console.WriteLine("{0}"...

I need an eVC++ data type equivalent to __int64

Is there a data type in eVC++ that is the equivalent of __int64? None of the aliases compile. And I cannot find any of the long types in Math.h. A third party library would also be acceptable. ...

Multiplying 23 bit datatypes in a system with no long long

I am trying to implement floating point operations in a microcontroller and so far I have had ample success. The problem lies in the way I do multiplication in my computer and it works fine: unsigned long long gig,mm1,mm2; unsigned long m,m1,m2; mm1 = f1.float_parts.mantissa; mm2 = f2.float_parts.mantissa; m1 = f1.float_parts.mantiss...

Help me translate long value, expressed in hex, back in to a date/time

I have a date value, which I'm told is 8 bytes, a single "long" (aka int64) value, and converted to hex: 60f347d15798c901 How can I convert this and values like this, using PHP, into a time/date? Converting it to decimal gives me: 96 243 71 209 87 152 201 1 A little more info: the original value is a C# DateTime, and should repres...

Generate random values in C#

How can I generate random Int64 and UInt64 values using the Random class in C#? ...

C#: Cannot convert from ulong to byte

Hello, Strange how I can do it in C++,but not in C#. To make it clear,i'll paste the two functions in C++ and then in C# and mark the problematic lines in the C# code with a comment "//error". What the two function does is encoding the parameter and then add it in to a global variable named byte1seeds. These are the functions in C++ ...

What to do when you need to store a (very) large number?

Hey, I am trying to do a project euler problem but it involves adding the digits of a very large number. (100!) Using java, int and long are too small. Thanks for any suggestions ...

C#: How to convert long to ulong

Hello, If i try with BitConverter,it requires a byte array and i don't have that.I have a Int32 and i want to convert it to UInt32. In C++ there was no problem with that. ...

ASP.NET Variable issues.

I have some terribly written ASP.NET code that is just not working right (go figure). I'm charged with maintaining and bug fixing this code, but I can barely make head or high water of it Unfortunately I don't have the time to rewrite it. If someone could help this would be great: (the code): given to you here (some minimal obfusca...

How to tell if a MySQL process is stuck?

I have a long-running process in MySQL. It has been running for a week. There is one other connection, to a replication master, but I have halted slave processing so there's effectively nothing else going on. How can I tell if this process is still working? I knew it would take a long time which is why I put it on its own database in...

Java's L number (long) specification question

Hi all, It appears that when you type in a number in java, the compiler automatically reads it as an integer, which is why when you type in (long) 6000000000 (not in Integer's range) it will complain that 6000000000 is not an integer. To make it shut up, I had to specify 6000000000L. I just learned about this specification. Are there...

Arithmetic Operations on Very, Very Long Decimals

I've always been curious: how can I perform arithmetic operations on very long decimals--for example, calculating pi to the 3000th decimal place (especially in an imperative language)? ...

wordwrap a very long string

How can you display a long string, website address, word or set of symbols with automatic line breaks to keep a div width? I guess a wordwrap of sorts. Usually adding a space works but is there a CSS solution such as word-wrap? For example it (very nastily) overlaps divs, forces horizontal scrolling etc. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

PHP: Converting a 64bit integer to string

I'm trying to use a hardcoded 64bit integer in a string variable. Simplfied I want to do something like this: $i = 76561197961384956; $s = "i = $i"; Which should result in s being: i = 76561197961384956 This does obviously not work as PHP cast big integers to float, therefore s is: i = 7.65611979614E+16 While several other meth...