
How to rename all folders and files to lowercase on Linux?

I have to rename a complete folder tree recursively so that no uppercase letter appears anywhere (it's C++ sourcecode, but that shouldn't matter). Bonus points for ignoring CVS and SVN control files/folders. Preferred way would be a shell script, since shell should be available at any Linux box. There were some valid arguments about det...

SQL changing a value to upper or lower case

How do you make a field in a sql select statement all upper or lower case? Example: select firstname from Person How do I make firstname always return upper case and likewise always return lower case? ...

regex implementation to replace group with its lowercase version

Is there any implementation of regex that allow to replace group in regex with lowercase version of it? ...

WinForms/WebForms controls' default case musings

Why does the WinForms default name for controls start with lowercase, but is uppercase for WebForms? What's the likely rationale for this? ...

Does String.ToLower() always allocate memory?

Does String.ToLower() return the same reference (e.g. without allocating any new memory) if all the characters are already lower-case? Memory allocation is cheap, but running a quick check on zillions of short strings is even cheaper. Most of the time the input I'm working with is already lower-case, but I want to make it that way if ...

Any way to get SharePoint to STOP converting attachment file names to all lower case on inbound emails?

I have a document library that is successfully receiving and saving attachments from inbound emails. The problem is that it is taking my nice, mixed-case file names and converting them to all lower case. I have looked on the Internet for a solution and only found a bunch of "me too" people with the same issue. Is there any way to control...

Unicode lowercase characters?

I read up someplace, that there are characters other than A-Z that have a lowercase equivalent, in Unicode. Which could these be, and why would any other character need an upper and lower case? ...

How does one convert a string to lowercase in ruby

I know this is simple, but how do you take a string and convert it to lower case, or upper case in ruby. ...

Normalize the case of array keys in PHP

Is there a "better" way (built-in function, better algorithm) to normalize the case of all the keys in a PHP array? Looping though and creating a new array works $new = array(); foreach( $old as $key=>$value) { $key = strToLower($key); if(!array_key_exists($key,$new) { $new[$key] = $value; } else { throw new Exception('Duplicat...

Using C# to SELECT against Excel, how do I make it case-INsensitive?

This SELECT finds Kelly as expected: select [First Name], [Last Name], Phone from [Data$] where [First Name] like "%Kelly%" In the Excel spreadsheet, the first name is "Kelly" with a capital "K" -- and the SELECT specifies a capital "K" also. However, if the K in > like "%Kelly%" < is LOWER-case -- like "%kelly%" -- then the record is...

Converting wide char string to lowercase in C++

How do I convert a wchar_t string from upper case to lower case in C++? The string contains a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, German and Greek characters. I thought about using towlower... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8h19t214%28VS.80%29.aspx .. but the documentation says that: The case conversion of towlower is locale-...

Problem with upper-case and lower-case xpath functions in selenium IDE

Hi, I am trying to get a xpath query using the xpath function lower-case or uppper-case, but they seem to not work in selenium (where I test my xpath before I apply it). Example that does NOT work: //*[.=upper-case('some text')] I have no problem locating the nodes I need in complex path and even using aggregated functions, as long as ...

Convert typed-in Text to lowercase

I've got an index.jsp with [snip] <% String name = request.getParameter("name"); String pass = request.getParameter("pass"); String globalname = "webeng"; String globalpass = "2009"; if (name !=null && pass!=null && name.equals(globalname) && pass.equals(globalpass)) { %> <hr /> <p><b>Howdy, <%= request.getPara...

Does system.Decimal use more memory than 'decimal'?

I heard someone say that in C#, capital Decimal is using more memory than lower case decimal, because Decimal is resolved to the lowercase decimal and that requires memory. Is that true? ...

Turkish case conversion in JavaScript

I want to convert strings to lower or upper case in JavaScript in the locale I wanted. I think standard functions like toUpperCase() and toLocaleUpperCase() do not satisfy this need. toLocale functions do not behave as they should. For example in Safari 4, Chrome 4 Beta, Firefox 3.5.x on my system it converts strings with Turkish charact...

PHP uppercase to lowercase rewrite optimization?

I am using this PHP code to redirect any form of UPPERCASE in URI's to lowercase. There are three exceptions: if the URI includes either "adminpanel" or "search" there is no redirect, also if it already is lowercase there is no redirect Do you see any way to improve the function in PHP? $trailed = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $pos1 = strpo...

String case changes

Is there any String manipulation function in Javascript or JQuery for object lowercasing / uppercasing? I need to lowercase a string object. ...

How to insert capital letters to Mysql?

I want to insert capital letters like: "User One" I want to insert to Mysql as : User One But, apparently, mysql inserted as "user one". How do I insert the capital letters in mysql? I am using php code to get the name: $user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']); Tested several times, same result. All converted to small let...

How to replace uppercase letters to lowercase letters using regex in Eclipse?

I'd like to go through all of my source code files and replace every occurence of k_Xyyy with k_xyyy (switch the first letter after k_ from uppercase to lowercase). I'm using the eclipse dialog to search and replace multiple files. Right now I have the regex \bk_([A-Z]). How do I specify the replacement string of the regex? ...

What code should be written to accept Lower and Upper case choices ?

Hi all , I'm beginner to c++ and writing a program that accepts user choices and acts according to it...my only problem is when the user enters Uppercase choice...the program treats it as it's a wrong choice...like if 'e' was a choice for entering a number..if the user entered 'E' the program won't display the "enter the number" message....