
Adding custom Analyzers to Luke

Luke, the wonderful Lucene index viewer, is now hosted under Google code. As a default, it supports using several Lucene Analyzers out of the box. However, I would like to use it to view an index I built using my own custom Analyzer, Let's call it MyAnalyzer. Can you please tell me how to add MyAnalyzer to Luke, along with the default an...

Sorting Lucene docs in Luke

Hi, I want to fire up a query in luke for luncene indexed document. I want to sort the results before they are fetched. What is the lucene syntax to sort the data. I don't need java/or-language-specific code to sort; instead raw lucene syntax to sort the data? Can anyone give me a sample example for sorting by 2 fields in descending o...

Luke Stackwalker returns error when running, gprof works fine

I'm used to gprof for profiling my C code, but I want to start using a GUI-based Windows application such as Luke Stackwalker. gprof works perfectly fine on my binary, but Luke Stackwalker has some issues: Launching executable C:\lshare\POT03\Eclipse\Debug\POTaak3.exe. SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: ';.;C:\Program Files\Luke Stackwalker;C:...

Inspecting Lucene.NET index with Luke want to replicate NHibernate.Search view

Hi, I am trying to put together an index using terms, which I specify as a comma separated list. I want to replicate the display in Luke as seen here: But my index value just shows as a single field with the comma separate list value. For example: Tags term,ano...

Luke like tool in C#

Is there are Luke like tool for viewing lucene indexes in C# using the Lucene.NET api? ...

What is the actual meaning of 'Rank' in Lucene when view by Luke?

Hi all, I am using Luke to view a Lucene index. There is a column named 'Rank'. What is the actual meaning of it? My guess is that the Rank means number of occurrence and the larger Rank number meaning the term is more significant. But I don't understand is that it is a full text search. If I search for 'apple', all the 'apple' index wil...

Lucene index deleted when opening with Luke/Indexreader

I was creating a lucene index when my indexing program crashed. The indexer had processed about 3M documents before crashing, producing a 14GB file. When I opened the index in Luke (with force unlock), the whole index was gone!. poof. The opened index had 0 documents and its size was reduced to 1kb. Did anyone experience this, or can of...