
Modifying a custom defun to not conflict with Magit

I use the following smart-tab defun in my .emacs for either completion on a word or just to do a standard tab: (global-set-key [(tab)] 'smart-tab) (defun smart-tab () "This smart tab is minibuffer compliant: it acts as usual in the minibuffer. Else, if mark is active, indents region. Else if point is at the end of a symbol, ex...

How do I merge branches with Magit using a new commit object?

I can’t seem to get my merges intact with Magit for Emacs without squashing them into the current branch consistently. Sometimes a new commit object is created after the merge (which is what I want), sometimes commits are squashed. I basically just want to do 'git merge --no-ff topicbranch' in Magit. So how do I enforce the --no-ff fla...