
How to add Autocomplete to a Masked Text Box?

In .Net, there is the MaskedTextBox and there is the TextBox which has an autocomplete member. Autocomplete doesn't seem to be available for MaskedTextBox. How do you get MaskedTextBox working with autocomplete? I am attempting to do this in Visual Basic. ...

Applying MaskedTextBox control behavior to a property item field in PropertyGrid

Hi all, I am working on C# and .NET. As we know that, the best way to stop users from entering invalid data into an input control is Masked TextBox by which we can assign a predefined mask such as Short DateTime mask(--/--/----) I have a PropertyGrid and assigned it to an instance of a class which is having properties of DateTime type...

How do I prevent a keypress from updating a MaskedTextBox's text?

I need to validate characters entered by the user in a MaskedTextBox. Which characters are valid depends on those already entered. I've tried using IsInputChar and OnKeyPress, but whether I return false in IsInputChar or set e.Handled to true in OnKeyPress, the box's text is still set to the invalid value. How do I prevent a keypress ...

C# Input validation for a Textbox: float

This supposedly easy task gave me some headache. I simply want to let the user enter any text that succeeds float.TryParse into a Textboxish control. I could use a normal TextBox and check the Text in some btnOK_Click, but this is obviously lame. Also, there is a nice built-in MaskedTextBox control, but I failed to set it's mask to be e...

Bind nullable DateTime to MaskedTextBox

I have a masked text box bound to a nullabe datetime, but when the date is blanked out, the validation on the masked text box won't complete. Is there a way to force this behaviour? I want a blanked out text box to equal a null DateTime. When the textbox is already null, the validation works. It only breaks when there is a date alrea...

How can I add mask textbox control in DataGridView in windows C#?

I want to add Mask textbox in datagridview in windows application. The mask textbox will hold the mask for time value. How this can be done in the windows datagridview? Any help? ...

Password Character not working on System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

Thats it really.. I am using VS2008 Express. All the samples say just to set the PasswordChar, but nothing gets masked. I also tried setting the "UseSystemPasswordChar" = true.. no luck.. // Set to no text. textBox1.Text = ""; // The password character is an asterisk. textBox1.PasswordChar = '*'; // The control will al...

Can the mask of a RadMaskedTextBox be changed via javascript?

I have a dropdown and a RadMaskedTextBox on a form. I want the mask applied to the RadMaskedTextBox to be determined by the selected value of the dropdown. Is there any way to do so via javascript? I know I could do a simple postback, but I would prefer not to. Thanks! ...

Hiding the PromptChar for .NET's MaskedTextBox

Is there a way to use MaskedTextBox without displaying the PromptChar? I would like to specify a mask to validate input against, but I don't want any prompt characters to take up space during edit mode. The reason for this is when I want to accept free text with a limited character set, all characters are optional alphanumerics. The pr...

MaskedEditExtender Is Too Hard to Use For Money

The MaskedEditExtender does a good job of enforcing the rules, but my users have trouble typing into its TextBox. I want to select all the contents of my TextBox when it gains focus. A regular JavaScript solution does not work. onfocus=";" The MaskedEditExtender interferes. How can I select all the contents ...

Convert Difference between 2 times into Milliseconds?

I have two masked TextBox controls and was wondering how I'd go about getting the time in each one and then converting the difference into milliseconds. Like, say in tb1 I write "12:01" and in tb2 I write "12:02", and then click a button. Once the button's clicked it starts a timer and at 12:02 a messagebox will be displayed. I know how ...

Display caret position in textfield in Firefox or resize textfield as needed.

There is an annoying bug in Firefox which allows me to set the caret position in a textfield, but it does not automatically scroll that caret into view. My particular issue arises when using the jQuery Masked Input Plugin ( If the width of the textfield is less than the width of the ...

MaskedTextProvider class behaves differently from MaskedTextBox. Why?

I have a requirement whereby I have to implement the masking provided by MaskedTextBox, but without using that UI component in the business layer or say for doing CLR integration in SQL Server 2005 (so that I can implement a db function that invokes my C# method). However there is some anomaly between the behavior of the MaskedTextBox ...

Displaying design-time pop-up form for MaskedTextBox.Mask property in a run-time

Does anybody know if it's possible to open a pop-up form "Input Mask" which is displayed when you want to change Mask property of MaskedTextBox editor and you click on the details button on the right side of this property in design-time? I'd like to use the same form in run-time in an application and use its result for mask string. ...

Allow only positive number with text input mask.

Hello flok, I true to set a text input mask which only allow numbers from 0-999, or even better 1-999. So I tried the mask "##0", but unfortunately this also allows negative numbers. Is there a way to allow only positive numbers? Best regards, Enyra ...

How to apply formatting string when binding DateTime to MaskedTextBox?

I have a MaskedTextBox that has the mask 00/00/\2\000 (restricting input to XX/XX/20XX) and DateTime values with a single digit month or day recently started displaying incorrectly. The MaskedTextBox.Text property is bound to BindingSource.SomeProperty (of type DateTime.) I know that at some level of data-binding the ToString method is...

How to get the jQuery MaskedInput unmask() function to work properly?

I am trying to have one input on my page that I would like to have a U.S. phone number mask by default. If a end user clicks a checkbox specifing they would like to enter a International phone number I want the mask to be removed. I have tried multiple ways and have been unsuccessful thus far. In the current project I am using jQuery to...

C# locale-aware MaskedTextBox mask for DateTime values

C# locale-aware MaskedTextBox mask for DateTime values I'm working through FXCop/Code Analysis's Globalization warnings and would like to know the proper, locale-aware way to set and get DateTime values through a MaskedTextBox. My form has a MaskedTextBox element with its Culture property set to "en-US", and its Mask property set to "0...

Can anyone tell me what's wrong in this part of code

Its better to accept my mistake with this question. I messed up things thats why i had this problem. Sorry for bothering you people ... string name = ((DateTimePicker)sender).Name.ToString(); name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 1); name = name + "4"; TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(); duration = ((Dat...

Cursor control using Masked Text boxes in C#

In my app in C# I have several input fields that I need to capture. I need them to be of specific sizes and type and I have used masked Text Boxes for these. I have fields like name which is 20 text charachters long, and a certificate number which is 5 numeric characters with a preceding C etc. This works fine except with I click on a...