
How to run jetty:run-exploded in maven but prevent from assembling war again?

We are using the maven jetty plug-in to run exploded wars. We have a script that copies certain configuration files to the directory which is used by maven to assemble the war (basically spring configuration + web.xml for stand-alone test environment). The problem is that it seems the webapp is being built again before jetty:run-explo...

Maven package .bat script: how to add a delay?

I have this .bat script which I use to maven package my application. Problem is, just after it ends execution, it closes the console window. The last 2 lines somehow are completely ignored. Does anyone know the trick to make this work? I just want to have a quick check if the build was successful. @echo off cls cd C:\svn\project mvn pa...

A couple of questions about Maven 2

Hi, i have some questions about Maven 2 and i hope somebody can clear things up for me: made a new thread about that (link: Is it possible to define a profile several times with diffrend values (such as use a diffrend configruation file) and activate those profile...

Maven 2 plugin, build + surfire

hi, If i define a plugin in the <build> tag and want to use this in my site command how do i do that? Do i have to define the plugin within <reporting> tag again? And how about the configuration which i probably have done within the build tag and want to take place at the reporting tag as well? (i dont want to specifie for example a l...

Alternate plugin executions in maven2 ?

In the included configuration, does the "stop-jetty" execution inherit any configuration information from the outer "configuration" element? Will stopPort be 9999 in the "stop-jetty" execution even if I omit it from the stop-jetty execution ? Any documentation references on how this inheritance works would also be awesome. <plugin> ...

Why does adding a test jar blow up this maven build?

Ok, so I'm getting a little annoyed with Maven 2 right now. The project setup we've got is simple: A "core" project, which is depended on by both a "batch" and "web" project, and an "ear" project which depends on "web". Pretty simple stuff. Well, since core is used quite a bit, and this is the first time the group is actually doing TD...

Maven2 inheritence

hi, if i have a parent pom and want to inherit this to several projects. i usually do this by adding in top of the project <parent> ... </parent>. What i don't like about this approach is that if something changes in my parent i have to edit all project which are inherited by that parent to modify the version number. Is there a better ...

Is it currently possible to build Eclipse Plugins by Maven AND have nice IDE Integration?

I'm currently evaluating maven to improve our build process. The building and creating of normal jar files works so far, although I'm not entirely happy with the Maven IDE. I'm now at that point, where all libs I need for our project are built, and I'm moving on to the Eclipse RCP projects. And now I'm not sure how to go on. There are ...

How to exclude all transitive dependencies of a Maven dependency

Hi, Right now, in Maven2, to exclude a single transitive dependency, I have to do something like: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>sample-artifactB</artifactId> <version>1</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>sample-artifactAB</artifactId> ...

Using Maven for project distribution

I have an Project that I distribute by sending out large packages. I'd like to know if there is a user friendly way of using Maven to distribute updates of the project? I'd need something like what is done for updating softwares like Firefox or Acrobat Reader. Check a respository, warn user of an update, download and reconfigure. All wit...

Stopping EntityResolver from using the internet in maven2 build ?

Our build is a standard maven2 build running surefire on jdk 1.5. I know that some of the tests are connecting to the internet to resolve schemas/dtds because they use a loong time when the internet connection is down. How do I stop this ? ...

Can maven collect all the dependant jars for a project to help with application deployment?

I'm just starting to use Maven, (evaluating it, really) and I need to be able to quickly generate a jar for my app and a directory with all the dependencies (eg: lib) so that I can deploy those two to be run in a stand-alone manner. Generating the jar with the proper manifest is easy, but I do not know how to get maven to copy the depen...

How can I create an executable jar with dependencies using Maven?

I have written a little utility to run from the commandline. I want to package it in a single executable jar for distribution. How can I make maven package all dependend jars into my jar? ...

"Missing artifact" errors with company repository

I setup a company maven repository using artifactory. I deployed a project of us into the repository. If I now specify a dependency to that artifact, it doesn't get retrieved. Which it should, because I declared this in my settings.xml: <mirrors> <mirror> <id>company-internal</id> <name>company repository</name> <url>http:...

Why choose Buckminster over Maven?

I've been using Maven for several months and I am pretty comfortable with how it works conceptually and in practice. I have also looked at Buckminster quite extensively (but have not gotten to running samples yet) to try and figure out what it is and how it compares. The documentation is poor. For instance, they use terminology like Bui...

Maven: how to do parallel builds?

When you build with maven on a multicore / multi-CPU machine it would often be possible to build different subprojects in parallel. Is there a way to do this with maven? Is there a plugin for this / whatever? Update: If you care about this you might want to vote for the corresponding maven JIRA entry to get fixed. You need to log in int...

Best practices for copying files with Maven

I have config files and various documents that I want to copy from the dev environment to the (dev) server directory in Maven2. Strangely, Maven does not seem strong at this task. Options: Simple use a copy task in Maven <copy file="src/main/resources/" tofile="${project.server.config}/"/> Use the ...

How do I send myself by mail a backup of a project using maven?

Before my pet projects become serious enough to deserve real version control (and its headaches) I like to just email myself the sources after I worked for a while. How can this be done easily with maven? ...

working around maven error: Project 'XYZ' is duplicated in the reactor

I'm creating a multi-module project that builds many other, related projects. Some of these projects are multi-module projects as well, and in some cases they build the same sub-project. Maven yells at me, but this is intentional and I'd like it to build anyway. Has anyone worked around this? Thanks. ...

Generating a maven site including a Cobertura Report

I've got some projects that are already doing site generation via maven, and I want to integrate cobertura reports in them, but no maven goal I seem to run will generate a local preview for me to look at that includes the Cobertura reports in the site. I want to be sure they're generating correctly before I commit the pom changes to the...