
Why does Apple use Objective-C for iPhone development? (App Store)

I'm interested to know your opinion on why Apple uses a language such as Objective-C for app development. Does Apple's app store allow apps written only in this language? Does apple even look at your source-code or does it just care of the binary output? I learned that most of their app rejection (in the app store) is based upon apps cr...

Which tool should I use for finding out my memory allocation in Perl?

I've slurped in a big file using File::Slurp but given the size of the file I can see that I must have it in memory twice or perhaps it's getting inflated by being turned into 16 bit unicode. How can I best diagnose that sort of a problem in Perl? The file I pulled in is 800mb in size and my perl process that's analysing that data has ...

How to debug memory allocation issues?

Hi I am writing an iPhone app that that is trying to create a second a view when the user clicks on an element in UITableView. The code looks like ReplyToViewController *reply = [[ReplyToViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ReplyTo" bundle:nil]; reply.delegate = self; Message *message = [resultData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; ...

SqlCommand.Dispose() not disposing the SqlParameters in it - Memory Leak - C#.NET

Hello I've a windows forms application with MS SQL Server 2005 as the back end. I have written code in the form to call few stored procedures using SqlConnection, SqlCommand objects and i properly dispose everything. I've disposed sqlcommand object by calling oSqlCommand.Dispose() But i witnessed my application consuming huge amount...

Retain count problem iphone sdk

Hi all, I'm facing a memory leak problem which is like this: I'm allocating an object of class A in class B. // RETAIN COUNT OF CLASS A OBJECT BECOMES 1 I'm placing the object in an nsmutablearray. // RETAIN COUNT OF CLASS A OBJECT BECOMES 2 In an another class C, I'm grabbing this nsmutablearray, fetching all the elemen...

ruby memory leak Gdk::PixbufLoader

So I'm beginning to wonder how leaky the gnome2 libraries for ruby1.8.6 are. #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'gtk2' while true sleep 0.1 pixbuf = pixbuf = nil end this leaks about 16kb/sec according to watch -n 1 ps -o rss -p <process id> This is compounded if you start trying to write a chunk of large chun...

c# : simulate memory leaks..

Hi, I would like to write the following code in c#. a) small console application that simulates memory leak. b) small console application that would invoke the above application and release it right away simulating managing memory leak problem.. In other words the (b) application would continuously call and release application (a) to si...

Do not properly deleted pointers fragment memory?

That's basically the question. If I have a pointer int *a = &someIntVar and I do not delete it over the course of the program, does it stay in memory after the program has terminated? Is this a case of data fragmentation? EDIT: My mistake for using a bad example. So int *a = new int[100]; never gets deleted, and even if it gets delet...

How to solve Memory leaks in Lib Xml Parser in objective-C where the list is returned?

Hi Guys, I got leaks in Lib Xml Parser while retrieving the data from the net, Here in the below code, I have allocated the list - (void)getCustomersList { // make an operation so we can push it into the queue SEL method = @selector(parseForData); NSInvocationOperation *op = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector...

Releasing memory from map. C++

std::map<int, int> * mp = new std::map<int, int>; for(int i = 0; i < 999999; i++){ mp->insert(std::pair<int, int>(i, 999999-i )); } p("created"); //mp->clear(); - doesn't help either delete mp; p("freed"); The problem is: "delete mp" doesn't do anything. To compare: std::vector<int> * vc = new std::vector<int>; for(int i = ...

Leaks in passing the request using URL at NSString, Objective-C.

Hi Guys, I getting the leak in this method even the allocated nsstring is released. Now I am taken stringWithFormat, but still it is showing the leak at "NSData *returnData=...." line -(BOOL)getTicket:(NSString*)userName passWord:(NSString*)aPassword isLogin:(BOOL)isLogin { NSString* str=@""; if (isLogin == YES) { str =[NSString strin...

Autorelease with elements in a UITableViewCell - memory leak

In my 'cellForRowAtIndexPath' method for a UITableView delegate, I'm allocating a cell if it doesn't exist, and in this cell, I'm creating a new activity spinner like so: UIActivityIndicatorView *actView = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray ] autorelease]; I'm using Leaks...

How do you free windows handle pointer in Delphi 7?

I am using a third party tool that is pointing to images in memory with a windows handle. The tool stats that you are responsible for freeing handle. So how would you free that handle in Delphi 7? The datatype for the handle is LONG ...

Visual C++ function suddenly 170 ms slower (4x longer)

For the past few months I've been working on a Visual C++ project to take images from cameras and process them. Up until today this has taken about 65 ms to update the data but now it has suddenly increased significantly. What happens is: I launch my program and for the first 30 or so iterations it performs as expected, then suddenly the...

UI Thread .Invoke() causing handle leak?

In what circumstances would updating a UI control from a non-UI thread could cause the processes' handles to continually increase, when using a delegate and .InvokeRequired? For example: public delegate void DelegateUIUpdate(); private void UIUpdate() { if (someControl.InvokeRequired) { someControl.Invoke(new DelegateUI...

Retrieve Heap memory size and its usage statistics etc...?

Lets say I open some application or process. Did some work with that. Now I closed it. Need to know whether this application caused any memory leak. i.e used up some heap memory and not cleared it properly. Can I get this statistics some how? I'm using Visual Studio (for development) under Windows OS. Even I would be interested in kno...

How to fix javascript and raphaeljs memory leak?

Hello all, I have the following code using RapahelJs running in IE. This code cause a memory leak and I don't know what is wrong. Does anybody can help me and give some advices in the usage of raphaeljs and memory leaks. for (i=0; i<2000; i++) { var r = paper.rect(100, 100, 30, 30); r.remove(); r = null; } Thanks in advan...

Why do timers/updatepanels leak memory in Chrome and can it be fixed/worked around?

I have built a suite of internal websites for our company to manage some of our processes. I have been noticing that these pages have massive memory leaks that cause the pages to be using well over 150mb of memory, which is ridiculous for a webpage that consists of a single form and a GridView that is displaying 7-10 rows of data at a t...

Identifying memory leaks in C++

I've got the following bit of code, which I've narrowed down to be causing a memory leak (that is, in Task Manager, the Private Working Set of memory increases with the same repeated input string). I understand the concepts of heaps and stacks for memory, as well as the general rules for avoiding memory leaks, but something somewhere is ...

How do I fix leaking SSLSessionImpl in Glassfish?

So the basics are I have Glassfish 2.1 and Java 1.6.0_15 and it will work for a few days but it eats up all the memory it can, seemingly no matter how high the max memory is set to. It's a 32-bit jvm with the max memory now at 4GB and it uses it all up quickly then thrashes with the garbage collector bringing throughput to a crawl. So ...