
How to popup menu using SendMessage?

Hello! I have pop-up menu, for example: "..." "PopUp-menu" "Menuitem1" "Menuitem2" "..." How to popup "PopUp-menu" using SendMessage function? Is it possible? course Menuitem has ID, and POPUP menu - has not ...

Thread Message Loop Hangs in Delphi

Hello all. I have a simple Delphi program that I'm working on, in which I am attempting to use threading to separate the functionality of the program from its GUI, and to keep the GUI responsive during more lengthy tasks, etc. Basically, I have a 'controller' TThread, and a 'view' TForm. The view knows the controller's handle, which i...

hyperLink on jsf error messages problem

I am trying to put link in the error messages produced by JSF. For this I am using the custom renderer, it works(clicking the error, focuses the respective input field) but the problem is , all the form values gets empty. ie when error occurs, all the input fields get empty. Any suggestion will be appreciated. package custom; p...

How to implement a bidirectional "mailbox service" over tcp?

The idea is to allow to peer processes to exchange messages (packets) over tcp as much asynchronously as possible. The way I'd like it to work is each process to have an outbox and an inbox. The send operation is just a push on the outbox. The receive operation is just a pop on the inbox. Underlying protocol would take care of the commu...

Can I use Messages with RESTful services using WebHttpBinding?

That's my question :) ...

Django Messages analogue in Java

Hello. Is there analogue of Django Messages Framework (or RoR flash messages) in Java? I want to show a message for user one time. ...

MFC resource.h command/message IDs

Hi I'm working on an MFC application, that got pretty messy over years and over different teams of developers. The resource.h file, which contains all command/message mappings grew pretty big over time, and has lots of problems (like duplicate IDs). I am not proficient with MFC, so the question might sound pretty stupid... MSDN docs me...

Making an asynchronous Client with boost::asio

Hello, i'm trying to make an asynchronous Client with boost::asio, i use the daytime asynchronous Server(in the tutorial). However sometimes the Client don't receive the Message, sometimes it do :O I'm sorry if this is too much Code, but i don't know what's wrong :/ Client: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <ostream> ...

Informational messages returned with WCF involved

This question is about “informational messages” and having them flow from a “back end” to a “front end” in a consistent manner. The quick question is “how do you do it”? Background: Web application using WCF to call back end services. In the back end service a “message” may occur. Now, the reason for this “message” may be a number of ...

Delphi - WndProc() in thread never called

I had code that worked fine when running in the context of the main VCL thread. This code allocated it's own WndProc() in order to handle SendMessage() calls. I am now trying to move it to a background thread because I am concerned that the SendMessage() traffic is affecting the main VCL thread adversely. So I created a worker thread ...

RichEdit's EM_AUTOURLDETECT message not always sent

To describe this issue, the best would that you would test my application with following usecase: Application: Open application; Click on the ">" captioned button; Click on same button again; Click on the same button again. As you can see - URL is correctly detected in first expanding, but in any further ...

Multiple TTPickerTextField in TTMessageController

Hi Everyone: Is there some way to use multiple instances of TTPickerTextField in one TTMessageController? I am currently only using the default "To" field with a .datasource, but I am unsure of how to add the others to the main controller. Thanks for any help. ...

Sample source code for processing messages of a window created by an external program?

I know I have to use SetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_WNDPROC and create my own WndProc that handles the message I want (such as WM_GETMINMAXINFO and modify the MINMAXINFO structure). However, because I want to do this for a window created by another program (like notepad.exe), I can't do this from my C#/WinForms program, I have to create a n...

Add a banner at the top on unknown HTML page on the fly; Send a note to network user

I want to be able to send messages to users of network that my computer routes to. Modifying requested pages, by adding messages like Warning: this access point is going down soon" or Network quota exhausted or You are overusing the network connection and may be banned or Security notice: this is unencrypted netwo...


An application recieves the WM_SYSCOMMAND message when the user selects a menu item command on the system menu, and so wParam can be SC_CLOSE, SC_CONTEXTHELP, SC_MAXIMIZE, SC_MINIMIZE, SC_RESTORE etc. That's logical. (Of course you can also send these messages by clicking on the minimize, maximize, close buttons etc.) But one can also s...

Android - Hide all showed Toast Messages

I have a problem, how do I disable all toast messages being process currently? In my App, there is a list, when a user clicks on an item, a toast message is being displayed, 10 items - 10 toast messages, so if the user clicks 10 times, then presses the menu button... he has to wait for some seconds, until he's able to read the menu opt...

[c++] How to call a particular function depending on a particular object's type

class Message {}; class BuildSandCastle : public Message {}; class DigHole : public Message {}; Given an arbitrary Message* object, how can I call a function of the same name doMessage() without resorting to switch logic or making a MessageHandler class that has one 'do' function for every message name? EDIT: for example: class Sandb...

How to hook for particular windows message without subclassing?

Is there a way to hook for a particular windows message without subclassing the window. There is WH_GETMESSAGE but that seems create performance issues. Any other solutions apart from these which doesn't deteriorate performance? ...

How to pass information from validation summary(strings) to a user control

I have a user control than display approved inputs but i want to intercept invalid inputs recieved in validation summary to pass them to my user control and display in my user control Any ideas? thanks :) ...

Class; Struct; Enum confusion, what is better?

I have 46 rows of information, 2 columns each row ("Code Number", "Description"). These codes are returned to the client dependent upon the success or failure of their initial submission request. I do not want to use a database file (csv, sqlite, etc) for the storage/access. The closest type that I can think of for how I want these code...