
dll "drop in" architecture using Castle Windsor & MicroKernel

I'd like to create a framework that uses IoC without needing any configuration: So instead of (adjusted from http://www.castleproject.org/container/gettingstarted/part1/code.html): IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer(); container.AddComponent("someinterface", typeof(ISomeInterface)); ISomeInterface component = (ISomeInte...

Good micro-kernel book suggestions

I am currently 'dreaming' about writing a small micro-kernel for a custom processor. The main reason for doing so is to have an easier way for interfacing a more complicated OS on top of it. However, I know very little about these things. I have read some basic OS books like the one by Andrew Tanenbaum and the 386BSD Kernel book and I ...

List all IRegistrations in WindsorContainer/Kernel

How do I get a list of all IRegistrations/ComponentRegistrations in my WindsorContainer or its kernel? I can see a way of doing this by wiring to the ComponentRegistered event and tracking there, but is there an eaiser way? Thanks. ...

Can't Instantiate Windsor Custom Component Activator

Hi, I'm getting an exception calling Resolve: KernelException: Could not instantiate custom activator Inner Exception: {"Constructor on type 'MyProj.MyAdapter`1[[MyProj.MyBusinessObject, MyAsm, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' not found."} There's definitely a public parameterless constructor there (and I've v...

What about using a microkernel for Node.sj + NginX?

Not even sure if it would easily work but for an upcoming project I may need to set up a web sockets only server, it would not have a database, memcache or even serve static files, all it would need to do is work some logic and update other clients. The server may need to support 1~300000 clients simultaneously so Node.js+NginX makes s...