
Jquery datepicker mindate, maxdate

I have the two following datepicker objects but I cant get what I want as I am getting stuck with the minDate and maxDate options: This is to restrict the dates to future dates. What I want: restrict the dates from current date to 30 years time. What I get: restrict the dates from current date to 10 years time. $(".datepickerFuture...

How can I set the minDate/maxDate for jQueryUI Datepicker using a string?

jQueryUI Datepicker documentation states that the minDate option can be set using "a string in the current dateFormat". So I've tried the following to initialize datepickers: $("input.date").datepicker({ minDate: "01/01/2010", maxDate: "12/31/2010" }); However, this results in my datepicker having a selectable date range that goes fro...

jQuery UI Datepicker minDate changes adjust the calendar; how can I freeze it?

I have a five-month Datepicker inline calendar. startDate is a variable I wrote which is set by a user click event. I am adjusting the minDate and maxDate options after init by doing this: $('#datepicker').datepicker("option",{"minDate":startDate,"maxDate":endDate}).datepicker("refresh"); However, when the calendar is refreshed, it d...

jquery datepicker minDate specific day in current month

H I need to customize two datepickers. First shold have: minDate: last ten days of this month (or if easier: 20th of this month) maxDate: 10th of next month I can only set then as given in "manual" like this: +1m +2w +5d. But that is not good in my case since I do not need to go relative to current data. Any idea? I have tried th...