
MKPinAnnotationView: Are there more than three colors available?

According to the Apple docs, MKPinAnnotationView's pin color is available in red, green and purple. Is there any way to get other colors also? I've found nothing in the docs. ...

MKMapView refresh after pin moves

A custom AnnotationView is updated with new coordinates. But the problem is that it visually updates only after some manipulations with MKMapView, e.g. zooming or moving. What should I do to manually update visual position on a map? PS. I've tried to change region to current map's region. But it does change zoom. It's strange. [mapView...

Wanted: How to reliably, consistently select an MKMapView annotation

After calling MKMapView's setCenterCoordinate:animated: method (without animation), I'd like to call selectAnnotation:animated: (with animation) so that the annotation pops out from the newly-centered pushpin. For now, I simply watch for mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap: and then select the annotation. However, this is problematic. For instan...

Update coordinate property of MKAnnotation on parent viewcontroller after Touch End event?

Hi, I have written an application with a draggable annotation which I have added on top of a MKMapView. I've added a CLLocationCoordinate2D variable called myloc in my main view controller to store the coordinate (lat,lng) values whenever I drag the annotation. My question is how do I update the myloc property value in the super parent ...

Custom MKAnnotationView Callout

Does anyone know, or have code that shows, how to create a custom MKAnnotationView Callout? I mean the actual text bubble and not the pin. Thanks in advance. ...

Add image behind MKPinAnnotationView

I'm trying to add an image behind a MKPinAnnotationView. Seems like it should be rather easy to just do this in here: - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views { for (MKAnnotationView *aView in views) [[aView superview] addSubview:imageView]; } But the problem I am having in doing that is that the ...

Custom popup when clicking pin in MKMapView

How do I replace the black popup bubble with a custom view when clicking an annotation? ...

Any hint about stretching MkAnnotationView?

Hi all, is there a way to stretch the bubble tha shows the details of an Annotation? I need to use an accessory view and thus modify the size of the bubble. Apparently it seems to be drawn in the lower layer and all views are drawn over it. Thank you! ...

how to show default user location and a customized annonation view in map kit?

i am using map kit and showing customized annonation is carImage and the another one is userImage(as current location of user).now i want to show current user location default which is provided by map kit.but unable to show do i show blue circle+my car in map kit? ...

Using MKAnnotationView without MKMapView?

I'm wondering if it's possible to use the MKAnnotationView inside a UIView other than MKMapView? I'm trying to find an alternative to using the undocumented UICalloutView class. I can create the MKAnnotationView and add it to my view, but I can't get it to show. ...

Z-ordering of MKAnnotationViews

I'm getting fairly frustrated with the limitations of MKMapKit. My current problem has to do with the z-ordering of annotation views, particularly as it relates to touches. If you accept the default z-order the mapkit gives you: The order appears random. The z-order is unrelated to the order the annotations were added. If one annota...

Custom MKPinAnnotationView Colours

Hi Is it possible to define custom colours for the MKPinAnnotationView colour rather than the default red, green or purple? Docs say no... Thanks ...

showsUserLocation returns pin instead of blue dot in iPhone simulator

This is my -mapView:viewForAnnotation method which drops pins when i create annotation views. But when i set mapView.showsUserLocation = YES; in -viewDidLoad, i get a pin dropped on Infinite Loop (expected - in simulator) and not the normal blue dot. - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation...

How can I create a custom "pin-drop" animation using MKAnnotationView?

I have an instance of MKMapView and would like to use custom annotation icons instead of the standard pin icons supplied by MKPinAnnotationView. So, I've setup a subclass of MKAnnotationView called CustomMapAnnotation and am overriding -(void)drawRect: to draw a CGImage. This works. The trouble comes when I try to replicate the .animate...

iPhone MkAnnotation Pin Color "Selected-State" Question

Can anyone tell me how to change the "selected state" of a annotation pin color. Meaning if you have a group of 10 pins and they are red and if you select a pin it changes to purple. ...

MKAnnotationViews with image in satellite map mode...

I have successfully set custom image on MKAnnotationView to replace pins (i use the function setImage). But it's only works when the MKMapView type is "Standard". Satellite and Hybrid modes display always pins... Has someone got an idea to solve this strange issue ? Thanks a lot. Tom. ...

iPhone - remove pin annotations of map, but not mine

Hello! I use a MapView and I set annotations on it (purple pins) and my user location (which is a blue circle). Because the purple pin annotations will move, I have to remove and set them new to the map. I set it with: CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; coordinate.latitude = 49.2802; coordinate.longitude = -123.1182; NSUInteger count ...

iPhone MapKit: Annotation images get reset back to pins

I'm adding several annotations to a MapView and using a custom image instead of the default pins. I am using the viewForAnnotation delegate method to set the custom image like this: view.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"placemark.png"]; And I've also tried: [(MKPinAnnotationView *)view setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"placemark.png"]]; ...

MKMapView: Pins over the pop up

This question was asked earlier by someone else but never answered: I ran into this problem yesturday and I have no clue what caused this problem and was hoping someone else has had this problem but figured it out. ...

use pin.title in other class

Hello i have implemented the following code: - (void) mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)annView calloutAccessoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control { name = annView.annotation.title; NSLog(name, [annView description]); } and how can I use the variable name in another class? can you please help me, i am n...