
Modelstate with Ajax Form

I'm using an AJAX form to update an item to the database. When it gets done, it returns a partial view that re-lists all the items and displays them all in a table. The problem occurs when I have to add a modelstate error in my controller action. I don't want to return the list of items when there is a modelstate error because I want ...

How do I access the ModelState from an ActionFilter?

I'm building an ActionFilter to reuse some code for a simple spam block - basically what I do is that I have a Html Helper method that renders an input textbox and a hidden input, and in the ActionFilter I check whether the two values are the same or not. If not, I want to leverage the rest of my validation logic and add a ModelStateErro...

Is ModelState and AddModelError persistant in a Controller/Action?

My controller actions: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ActionResult Login() { return View(); } [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Login(string UserName, string Password, bool RememberMe) { var userNameValidationResults = _validatorProvider.Validate<IMailAddressValidator>(Us...

How do I access the ModelState from within my View (aspx page)?

How do I access the ModelState from within my View (aspx page)? ...

Hunting down ModelState.IsValid errors.

Is there a good way in MVC to trace ModelState errors? IsValid returns false when I submit my form even if there aren't actually any fields in it, or anything being validated. I looked at this thread here and tried Steve Willcock's suggestion but no exceptions are thrown, just a generic error. Is there any way I can see what is ...

MVC Exceptions within ModelState not being catched

I have noticed during some actions in MVC, such as an Edit ActionResult, if the UpdateModel fails it places the exception in to the ModelState, if I go through the collection I can find the exception. However there is no StackTrace information. So I have a few questions 1, How do I catch ModelState exceptions, in a generic way (ie on...

How to replace the default ModelState error message in MVC 2 ?

Hello, I need to replace the model state resource (to another language). I've seen some answers to the question above, but unfortunately I could'nt make it work. Any detailed answer or example would be appriciated. Thank you. ...

ASP.NET MVC Model State

ModelState.IsValid is returning false for me in my controller. I know that means one or more model errors were found when model binding. My question is how do I see the errors? I noticed that my particular ModelState has 6 items in it. If I try to do any of these... ModelState[0].Errors[0].ToString() ModelState[0].Errors[0].ErrorMes...

Updating ValidationSummary Via Asynchronously - ASP.NET MVC

In my controller, if the modelstate is invalid if (!ModelState.IsValid) return View(); I'd like to update the ValidationMessage but not have to repost the View. Seems like a desirable concept with validation messages. I'm using DataAnnotations as well that uses <% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %> but it still posts to the con...

Refresh ModelState to remove errors

Refreshing the ModelState Hi, I have a question about the ModelState in an ASP.NET MVC controller. When the user selects a certain option from the view, the start date and end date for the "certification" will be set based on the other dates entered. The problem with this is the certification dates come back as null and our Certificat...

HTML.CheckBox persisting state after POST - Refresh ModelState?

I have a form that's made up of many items (think order items on an amazon order). Each row has a checkbox associated with them so the user can select many items and click 'remove'. The form is built up a bit like this; <% for (int i = 0; i < Model.OrderItems.Count; i++) { %> <tr> <td><%= Html.Hidden(String.Format("OrderItems[{0}]... MVC ModelState.Clear

Can anyone give me a succinct definition of the role of ModelState in MVC (or a link to one). In particular I need to know in what situations it is necessary or desirable to call ModelState.Clear(). Can anyone give me a succinct definition of the role of ModelState in MVC (or a link to one). In particular I need to kno...

ModelState.IsValid == false, why?

where can i see the list of errors of which make the modelstate invalid, i didn't saw any errors property on the modelstate object ...

Testing Model binding in ASP.NET MVC 2

First; I know that I should not need to test the internals of MVC but I REALLY need a suite a tests around data flowing into our system. How can I, I hope without mocking all of HTTP context, test that objectA (form collection, dict, collection, object, etc) does or does not conform to objectAModel? I'd like to not have to instantiate...

howt to get the error message from model state

Im using modelstate.Adderror("test","test message") And how can i get this modelstate value in controller itself. Like I need to get the error message of "test" in the controller. ...

ASP.NET MVC: DataAnnotations - Show an error message indicating that a field must be numeric

There appears to be something of a hole in the way DataAnnotations works in that a user entering in some text into a field that will go into an int will never reach the DataAnnotations code. It kicks off a model binding error and displays the error to the user "The value 'a' is not valid for the XXXX field." Anyway, it's all very nice t...

IOC on IValidationDictionary with Castle Windsor

I'm new to Castle Windsor and am just using the latest version. I've created entries for my repositories which are working fine but I have one final dependency that I'm passing into my controller. I've created a ModelStateWrapper which inherits from IValidationDictionary. The ModelStateWrapper takes a ModelStateDictionary in it's constr...

ASP.NET MVC ModelState with GET/POST methods and try-catch blocks

Hey everyone, I am having some problems getting the MVC modelstate working with a login process on a website. I have a typical login screen with fields for a username and password. The Account Controller has 2 methods to handle logins. The first is a Get method called "LogOn()" that just returns the login view (which is the username/pw)...

Success messages as opposed to model state error messages

For error messages, validation faults etc you have ModelState.AddErrorMessage("Fool!"); But, where do you put success responses like "You successfully transfered alot of money to your ex." + "Your balance is now zero". I still want to set it at the controller level and preferably in key-value way, the same way as errormessages but wi...

Help figuring out why ASP.NET MVC rendering engine is producing unexpected HTML results

I have a modal popup with a form in it. When submitted via ajax (using jQuery) the form is validated and a javascript callback function checks to see if the model was valid. If so, the modal popup is reset and hidden, if not, the html response text is dumped into the modal popup div for the user to see the fault. I'm doing this in ASP.N...