
How do you get CreateWindowEx() to create the window on a specific monitor?

I've determined that I can use GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS) to query the number of attached monitors, but is their any way to control what monitor CreateWindowEx() uses for the window? ...

Win7: Monitor DC of secondary Monitor gets offset if disabling Aero

Scenario: Screen capturing on multi display machines. Capture screen of secondary monitor [which is the only affected] Turn off Aero: DwmEnableComposition(DWM\_EC_DISABLECOMPOSITION) Create a [new] DC for the secondary monitor via: m_DC->CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), _T("\\.\DISPALY2", NULL, NULL); Result: The DC will get an offset w...

How can I retrieve monitor information?

I am trying to retrieve the monitor ID's as shown in the Windows display properties (#1, 2... etc), but I can't seem to find a way. I have tried using EnumDisplayMonitors as well as EnumDisplayDevices. They both return something like "\.\DISPLAY1". However, this number doesn't always match the number shown by Windows, especially when 2 v...

How do I enumerate all monitors in Windows 7?

I am trying to enumerate all the monitors in Windows 7, and according to MSDN, using the QueryDisplayConfig method is the correct way to do this. All of this code works fine, and returns a couple of arrays, one with paths and one with modes. However, it doesn't have the same monitor ID's as Windows. I am trying to build an array of all t...


I am reading a book on WPF.As with all books, it gives an introduction on the problems the earlier display systems had with them.He refers to terms such as DPI, Pixels, Resolution etc.Is there any place where I can learn about them and about how they are related to each other ? ...