
Name Value pairs and fact tables

I'm working on a star schema for analysis of posted form data. The site that the form data will be posted to is actually external to the site hosting the form, so only the data in the form will be available. I'm going to give the option to include some extra useful information with hidden fields, original referrer, session id etc. I'll ...

(Simple) What characters are allowed in an HTML attribute name?

In HTML attribute name=value pairs, what are the characters allowed for the 'name' portion? ..... Looking at some common attributes it appears that only letters (a-z and A-Z) are used, but what other chars could be allowed as well?... maybe digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.) ... is there any spec for this? ...

Turning a hash into a string of name-value pairs

If I'm turning a ruby hash into a string of name-value pairs (to be used in HTTP params, for example), is this the best way? # Define the hash fields = {"a" => "foo", "b" => "bar"} # Turn it into the name-value string http_params ={|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join('&') I guess my question is: Is there an easier way to get to http_...

javascript accessing name value pairs

I'm getting JSON name/value pairs that looks like this: { "Name":"parentid", "Value":"blah" }, { "Name":"siteid", "Value":"blah" }, { "Name":"sitename", "Value":"blah" } But I would like to access the "name" value as the KEY, and ...

Converting non-delimited text into name/value pairs in Delphi

I've got a text file that arrives at my application as many lines of the following form: <row amount="192.00" store="10" transaction_date="2009-10-22T12:08:49.640" comp_name="blah " comp_ref="C65551253E7A4589A54D7CCD468D8AFA" name="Accrington ...