
IP subnet verification in JSP

I have the following JSP code, that protects my web page and displays it only to know IP's String ip_h = request.getRemoteAddr(); String host_h = request.getRemoteHost(); String iplist[] = new String[1]; iplist[0] = ""; iplist[1] = ""; int count = iplist.length; boolean flag = false; int zz = 0; /...

How to calculate the IP range when the IP address and the netmask is given?

When a IP-Range is written as aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/ I need to calculate the first and the last included ip address in this range with C#. Example: Input: Result: - ...

T-Sql: check if IP matches netmask

My SQL-Server db stores IP netmasks as binary. I need a way to match these with a given IP for example: is part of a netmask which is stored in the db? the binary representation of 11000000.10101000.00010101.00000101 (without the dots) Netmask stored in db is: binary(4) and a tinyint field 11000000.1010100...

How to get netmask?

I know how to get from ifconfig. (linux) But is there another way? Can found it in socket. ...