
nhibernate burrow and ASP.Net MVC

I using nhibernate burrow for long conversation. I am preparing to migrate project to ASP.NET MVC, but burrow doesn't support MVC. I trying to change Burrow to work via MVC. But I have no idea what is the best way to do this. I am not sure that HTTP Module is a good way. I think about ActionFilters to initialize conversation. Thanks ...

Nh.Burrow with WCF

Hello, After implementing Nh.Burrow in an asp.net application, I was wondering how to do it for a WCF-service. My first idea was to put a the BurrowFramework().InitWorkSpace(); in each method and set the InstanceContextMode to per Call on these methods. Now I have two questions: Are there better methods to combine Nh.Burrow with WCF?...

How Do I Setup NHibernate.Burrow With Fluent?

I'm very interested in using NHibernate.Burrow for my session handling and DAO in my ASP.NET app but I'm having trouble with the configuration. Burrow requires an XML NHibernate config for setting up its persistence but I don't have a config file since I'm using Fluent NHibernate to generate my config. So is there a way of letting Burrow...

ASP.Net MVC & NHibernate Burrow & Fluent NHibernate

Hi all I am getting the following runtime error in my ASP.Net MVC application: NHibernate.MappingException: No persister for: MyProject.Model.MyDomainObject I am referencing the burrow and fluent binaries in my application and am reconfiguring burrow in Global.asax on Application_Start as follows: var bf = new BurrowFramework(); IFr...

NHibernate long running session for particular domain aggregates in WinForms?

I really don't know what the correct question is to figure out a solution to this problem. So here are some facts to provide context around the problem: Our application is a winforms application that uses NHibernate. Our application is distributed (client calls a service to execute use cases on NHibernate objects). The invoice is the c...

Configuring NHibernate Validator on a Burrow ASP.net Application

I'm looking for the best way to configure NHibernate Validator on a classic ASP.net app that is using NHibernate Burrow to manage NH sessions. How do I get it to register the interecptors automatically? ...

FluentNHibernate Session Management in ASP.NET

New to NHibernate(my disclaimer). I came across a similar and interesting article regarding MVC, however, I'm more curious as to what general best practices are for managing NHibernate sessions within a generic web application. I've come across the Burrow project, but I'm starting to realize there seems to be a few different directions ...

NHibernate + ASP.NET + Open Session in View + L2Cache

I am using CodeProject's well known Open Session in View to handle NHibernate Sessions. Does it works well with Level 2 Cache? Anyone has succeeded doing it? Should I use NH.Burrow instead? Any advice on l2 cache in asp.net best practices is appreciated. Edit: link to CodeProject's article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/architecture/NHi...

How to use NHibernate.Burrow with winform/desktop application?

1) Is it possible to use Burrow with winforms application or WPF application? 2) Are there any samples how to configure Burrow with winforms app. ...

Using Quartz in an Asp.Net MVC environment using NHibernate Burrow

I have a web site running Burrow, and I'd like to use it for Quartz jobs as well. The thing is that I want them to not share any state. The Quartz jobs is running in each own threads while the Mvc framework closes the Workspace at the end of every request. Ideally, mvc should have it's own session, and each job should have it's own sess...

does nhibernate.burrow work with mvc.net and dot net 4.0 framework

I am thinking of using nHibernate.Burrow in my mvc.net application. However there are several troubling things that I have read and I am hoping to get them sorted out before I embark on the project: Are there any issues with running .Burrow with mvc.net? Are there issues with running .Burrow with the 4.0 framework? How tightly couple...