
How to distribute Wordpress media files across multiple sub domains

So the question is how to distribute/offload the media files from Wordpress posts across multiple domains. The reasoning being to overcome this limitation: "Most browser will only make 2 simultaneous requests to a server, so if you page requires 16 files they will be requested 2 at a time." In relation to:

Offloading script function to post-response: methods and best-practices?

First, the set up: I have a script that executes several tasks after a user hits the "upload" button that sends the script the data it need. Now, this part is currently mandatory, we don't have the option at this point to cut out the upload and draw from a live source. This section intentionally long-winded to make a point. Skip ahea...

Can you safely rely upon Yahoo Pipes to offload ETL for your application?

Yahoo Pipes are a very intriguing choice for sort of a poor-man's server-free ETL solution, but would it be a good idea to build an application around one or many Pipes? I've really only used them for toy things here and there, with the only thing I've used longer than a week or two being one amalgamated and filtered RSS feed that I've ...