
How to create HTTP 301 redirect from Stellent (Oracle UCM) script

Is it possible to send a HTTP response with a permanent redirect from a Stellent (now called Oracle UCM) website? We're using version 7.5.2 with iDoc script. We can use the iDoc function setHttpHeader() to send the Location HTTP header, but how to send the HTTP response code 301, to signal the permanent redirect to the browser? ...

Check the size of uploaded file in Oracle UCM

I need to check the size of the uploaded primary file in Oracle UCM during checkin. I tried writing a filter on the event validateStandard and check the value of dFileSize. But the value is null. Any ideas what event should I use and which parameter should I check? ...

Where can I find a tutorial for IdocScript for Stellent/Oracle UCM?

Where can I find a tutorial for iDoc Script for Stellent/Oracle UCM? I just got assigned to do maintenance on a page that uses it, and have no prior experience with either Stellent or the script. My specific problem has to do with string manipulation, but I can hardly find any documentation online at all, odd for a programming-related ...

Is there any less or more convenient iDoc Script editor for Oracle 10g UCM?

Is there any less or more convenient iDoc Script editor for Oracle 10g UCM? Please help. Open to any suggestions. Avoid suggesting notepad and so on. ...

How can you access the document object which contains a content stream in Oracle UCM?

According to the CMIS spec: "Set Content-Stream" and "Delete Content-Stream" services are considered modifications to a content-stream's containing document object, and SHOULD therefore change the object’s LastModificationDate property upon successful completion. For any given content stream, how can you access the containing docum...

Where can I find a list of 'Stop' words for Oracle fulltext search?

I've a client testing the full text (example below) search on a new Oracle UCM site. The random text string they chose to test was 'test only'. Which failed; from my testing it seems 'only' is a reserved word, as it is never returned from a full text search (it is returned from metadata searches). I've spent the morning searching oracl...

Avoid new line between adjacent HTML lists?

Short version: When two lists are adjacent to each other, is there a way with CSS (or by some other means) to prevent a new line from being added between the two lists? Long version (with code): I have machine-generated HTML that is not intelligently handling nested lists that mix <ol> and <ul> elements. (If you guessed that this is...