
ruby pdf parsing gem/library

Hi All, Any recommendations as to which is the bestpdf reading library/gem (free/open source of course) in ruby? I found a list at http://rubyforge.org/search/?type_of_search=soft&words=PDF&Search=Search but want to tap peoples experience in filtering it. I mainly want to parse input pdf files and extract the text within, par...

How do I reference the PDF IFilter (dll) interface built into Windows to extract text and properties (author, title, etc.) of a pdf document via Classic ASP

I need to extract and parse Text from a pdf file in a classic ASP environment. I read another post about using the PDF iFilter driver installed with Adobe Acrobat 9 which can be referenced through COM. Is this even possible? If so how do I get started? Thanks ...

Ruby: Reading PDF files

I'm looking for a fast and reliable way to read/parse large PDF files in Ruby (on Linux and OSX). Until now I've found the rather old and simple PDF-toolkit (a pdftotext-wrapper) and PDF-reader, which was unable to read most of my files. Though the two libraries provide exactly the functionality I was looking for. My question: Have I ...

how to parse a lot of PDFs

I have a ton of PDFs I want to be able to parse sentence-by-sentence. Is there a tool for MySQL (or some other database system) for converting PDFs into mysql, and then reading out sentences one at a time? Is there some other tool to do this? I imagined loading all the pdfs into a DB and then reading would be the fastest way but I don't ...

Which is best PDR parser ?

I want to parse the tabular information from a .pdf file,and want to display that tabular information in a datagridview in C#. What choices do I have? ...

App crashes on invoking CGPDFContentStreamWithPage

Hi all, I am trying to parse a PDF and extract catalogue from it. For this purpose I am using following code: - CGPDFPageRef page = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(document, currentPage); //1 myContentStream = CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage (page); //2 myScanner = CGPDFScannerCreate (myContentStream, table, NULL); //3 CGPDFScannerSca...