
Stemming algorithm that produces real words

I need to take a paragraph of text and extract from it a list of "tags". Most of this is quite straight forward. However I need some help now stemming the resulting word list to avoid duplicates. Example: Community / Communities I've used an implementation of Porter Stemmer algorithm (I'm writing in PHP by the way): http://tartarus.or...

why does Porter Stemmer yield a string which can be stemmed again?

stem('apples')='apple' stem('apple')='appl' stem('appl')='appl' isn't this a flaw in the stemming algorithm? (this is using the Porter Stemming Algorithm) ...

European language/french stemmer in Javascript

Hello, I am in need of a stemmers written in Javascript for european languages. I'm currently looking for a french stemmer, but if there's stemmer for any other language, please let me know. There are stemmers available in Java, but not for javascript! Here are the Java implementations: http://snowball.tartarus.org/ You can download al...

Lucene PorterStemmer question

Given the following code: Dim stemmer As New Lucene.Net.Analysis.PorterStemmer() Response.Write(stemmer.Stem("mattress table") & "<br />") // Outputs: mattress t Response.Write(stemmer.Stem("mattress") & "<br />") // Outputs: mattress Response.Write(stemmer.Stem("table") & "<br />") // Outputs: tabl Could someone explain why the Port...