
Is there a lang-vb or lang-basic option for prettify.js from Google?

Visual Basic code does not render correctly with prettify.js from Google. on Stack Overflow: Partial Public Class WebForm1 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 'set page title Page.Title = "Something" End Sub End Class in...

Is there a pretty printer for python data?

Working with python interactively, it's sometimes necessary to display a result which is some arbitrarily complex data structure (like lists with embedded lists, etc.) The default way to display them is just one massive linear dump which just wraps over and over and you have to parse carefully to read it. Is there something that will ta...

Generate pretty diff html in Python

I have two chunks of text that I would like to compare and see which words/lines have been added/removed/modified in Python (similar to a Wiki's Diff Output). I have tried difflib.HtmlDiff but it's output is less than pretty. Is there a way in Python (or external library) that would generate clean looking HTML of the diff of two sets...

How to combine wmd and prettify like SO?

Prettify need class="prettyprint" to be add to <pre> or <code>,how to let wmd do this? ...

prettify will cause "script is busy" warning if the code is long

I'm using prettify by Google. How to fix? ...

How to get Google Prettify to render more like Visual Studio

I'm using Googles excellent Code Prettify and I'm quite happy with it. But: Does anybody happen to have a alternate CSS stylesheet so it'll render a bit more like Visual Studios default coloring? Green comments, red text/strings, etc. ...

How to use prettify with blogger/blogspot?

Hi everyone. I'm using to host some texts on programming, and I'd like to use prettify (same as stackoverflow) to nicely colour the code samples. How do I install the prettify scripts into the blog domain? Would it be better (if indeed its possible) to link to a shared copy somewhere? I have webspace on a different domain. ...

Integrate Syntax Highlighter (Prettify, Pygments,..) with Plone

I'm actually challenged with documenting aspects/problems/usages of inherited source code to teach and train co-workers as well as to identify problems that should be future maintenance tasks... The idea is to create an internal wiki or blog with short articles that highlight certain features and provide hints for using the API. We alre...

prettify highlightning in a PRE with white-space:nowrap is one line in IE

Hi, In Internet Explorer, a PRE with a style of white-space:nowrap is causing the code in the PRE to be in one single line when I use prettify ( Doesn't a <br/> is supposed to cause a new line in a PRE? I checked the HTML source generated by prettify after the page has loaded and it gener...

Is there a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that hosts Google Code Prettify?

Is there a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that is hosting google-code-prettify? I am putting together a blog on TypePad and would like to take advantage of a CDN if possible. ...

Using Prettify on dynamically-generated code

I'm using Prettify for syntax highlighting, but it doesn't work on dynamically generated code. I have a form that when submitted generates code and displays it (without refreshing) in <div id="output></div>, but prettify doesn't work on this code, is there any workaround? Many thanks! ...

Stack Overflow formatting for Wordpress

I've become so accustomed to stack overflow style formatting that I find it a hassle to format things manually in HTML anymore - specifically for blog posts. Is there anything enabling stack overflow style formatting for word press? Something akin to the markdown plugin for wordpress -

rails: removing underscore from controller name

when I generate a two word named controller, like FooBar rails creates a controller and path like foo_bar this is not pretty. I would like to have the paths at least be FooBar. Possible? Suggestions? ...

Google Prettify - Android / Eclipse Java colours

Hey, I'm using Google Prettify which works really well, but are there any colour schemes which match the Android Eclipse colours? Thanks ...

What applications do you know of, that can reformat code?

Hello, I am looking for a list of code formatting and prettifying software; I have only found a few topics that all are language specific. This is not about syntax highlighting! If possible, I prefer lightweight, command-line, multiplatform, portable tools. Nevertheless, if there is no interesting alternative, I also like to know what...

How can I run Google's prettify to generate static HTML (w/ CSS) output?

I'm working on prettify'ing some auto-generated emails that often have code snippets in them. I want to use Google's prettify project to syntax highlight the code snippets. How can I invoke prettify on the server, before sending out the email, such that users will still see the highlighted syntax when javascript is disabled in their m...

Given a .SQL file on an internal website, what options are there for pretty formatting on the fly?

So I want to put the files up on my local server, for reference purposes and aside from my regular DVCS because this will turn into training material later. But I want to be able to pretty format the SQL file. (Would be nice if it extended to C# code as well.) I'm not sure what libraries do this already, and I'm willing to bet there's a...