
String help! Process isn't starting, probably because the argument string is kind of messed up.

Hi all. I have the following code: ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo("./Resources/pdftk.exe", executionstring); Process myproc = Process.Start(si); In my watch window, while debugging, I see this: What I would actually type at a command prompt is: pdftk.exe "C:\test.pdf" unpack_files output "C:\TEMP" dont_ask However, ...

killproc and pidofproc on linux

Hi, I have a script which uses killproc and procofpid commands and executes fine on a 64bit suse. But when I executed the script on 32bit redhat , I found that the above commands donot exist. I don't have a 32bit Suse and 64bit redhat machines to test my script. Is my guess right that on 64bit redhat the above commands should be avai...

Python subprocess: Cannot allocate memory (after a few days of not restarting apache)

I use check_call('convert ...', shell=True) to open the process. This is run inside apache. I start getting this exception after a few days: File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 457, in check_call retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 444, in call return Popen(*popenar...

How to know when a specific process is stuck?

Is there a way to know when a specific process is "stuck" in Java? I'm running an external application from my java program. Sometimes, this app hangs. I would like to know when this app stops working so I can kill it from my code. I'm thinking of some type of monitoring from a different thread in my code. Any toughts? ...

Retrieve names of running processes

Hi everyone, First off, I know that similar questions have been asked, but the answers provided haven't been very helpful so far (they all recommend one of the following options). I have a user application that needs to determine if a particular process is running. Here's what I know about the process: The name The user (root) It sh...

Get all window handles for a process

Using Microsoft Spy++, I can see that the following windows that belong to a process: Process XYZ window handles, displayed in tree form just like Spy++ gives me: A B C D E F G H I J K I can get the process, and the MainWindowHandle property points to the handle for window F. If I enumerate the child windows us...

How to give process specific privileges in windows

Hi, I am writing some testing software that receives some source code, compiles it on the server, executes it, forward input from the database, catches output and compares it with one in the database to see if it is correct. The problem is that source code can be anything (it is written in c/c++ and compiled with visual studio cl), so ...

How to show processing form in my main form

Hi I want to show processing image in form when my main form is working. I have created processing form . I tried it with ProcessingForm obj = new ProcessingForm();; DOSomeStuff(); obj.close(); it shows processing form..but some time it becomes not responding...or my gif image stops animating. How to do that?? ...

How to execute a batch file from C#?

(See end for solution) I didn't think this was going to be hard. I have a commmand file, d:\a.cmd which contains: copy /b d:\7zS.sfx + d:\config.txt + d:\files.7z d:\setup.exe But these lines of C# won't execute it: Process.Start("d:\\a.cmd"); Process.Start("cmd", "/c d:\\a.cmd"); Throws Win32Exception: "%1 is not a valid Win32 ap...

How to hide/show a Process using c#?

Hello, While executing my program, I want to hide/minimize Microsoft Speech Recognition Application: and at the end I want to show/maximize using c#! This process is not started by me so I can't give control the process startInfo. I've tried to use user32.dll methods such as: ShowWindow AnimatedWindows AnimatedWindows SetForegrou...

Debugging utilities for Linux process hang issues?

I have a daemon process which does the configuration management. all the other processes should interact with this daemon for their functioning. But when I execute a large action, after few hours the daemon process is unresponsive for 2 to 3 hours. And After 2- 3 hours it is working normally. Debugging utilities for Linux process hang i...

unit testing of installer

What is the best process where code is checkedin by developers, installer is created by build engineer and release to QA to test the installer. Should the installer be release to QA without unit testing by Dev. If dev do some changes then they should wait until QA to report bugs.Or if installer first given to dev for unit testing and on...

Activity monitor doesnt display process name

Hi, I have an application, when I see that application in "Activity Monitor" the applications Process Name is displayed nothing. Only the application icon is displayed. I tried debugging this by getting processInfo of the app, I got the application name correct. Even tried with the "top" command, I got the application name correct. The...

What is the diff. between a thread/process/task?

What is the diff. between a thread/process/task? ...

C#: Farm out jobs to worker processes on a multi-processor machine

Hi there, I have a generic check that needs to be run on ca. 1000 objects. The check takes about 3 seconds. We have a server with 4 processors (and we also have other multi-processor servers in our network) so we would like to create an exe / dll to do the checking and return the results to the "master". Does anyone know of a framework...

Java respawn process

I'm making an editor-like program. If the user chooses File->Open in the main window I want to start a new copy of the editor process with the chosen filename as an argument. However, for that I need to know what command was used to start the first process: java -jar myapp.jar blabalsomearguments // --- need this information > Open File...

Deciding between Apache Commons exec or ProcessBuilder

I am trying to decide as to whether to use ProcessBuilder or Commons exec, My requirements are that I am simply trying to create a daemon process whose stdout/stdin/stderr I do not care about. In addition I want to execute a kill to destroy this process when the time comes. I am using Java on Linux. I know that both have their pains and ...

Planning a requirements gathering session using Agile

We are planning on introducing Agile into our development process (a shift from the waterfall we've been using so far). We are leaning towards a hybrid model in whcih the requirements gathering session is comprised of a business analyst, subject matter experts, technical person and a user interface person. The plan is to create user stor...

Logic: Best way to sample & count bytes of a 100MB+ file

Let's say I have this 170mb file (roughly 180 million bytes). What I need to do is to create a table that lists: all 4096 byte combinations found [column 'bytes'], and the number of times each byte combination appeared in it [column 'occurrences'] Assume two things: I can save data very fast, but I can update my saved data very slo...

Terminate a python script from another python script

I've got a long running python script that I want to be able to end from another python script. Ideally what I'm looking for is some way of setting a process ID to the first script and being able to see if it is running or not via that ID from the second. Additionally, I'd like to be able to terminate that long running process. Any co...